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  • Contact Fabrice Bony Compositeur Lithophoniste Batteur

    Contacter Fabrice Bony booking management CONTACT Booking / Management TREE OF LIFE ASSOCIATION 68 Lesson Street 17300 ROCHEFORT FRANCE Phone: 06 20 82 50 35 Thank you ! Message sent. Send

  • RENAUD BARBIER | fabricebony

    Liens BO Aux Temps des Dinosaures (2021), Pas Si Bêtes ! (2021), Petit Pays (2020), Les Nouveaux Mondes Sauvages (2020) et Quand Homo Sapiens faisait son Cinéma (2015) With Renaud Barbier Film Music Composer 2021 Aux Temps des Dinosaures (B.O.) Documentaire France Télévisions 16 titres Piano & Programmation : Renaud Barbier Musiciens : Guillaume Latour , Charlotte Gaillard Emmanuelle Dautry , Pierre-François Dufour , Ami Seta , Philippe Cottin, Dominique Vincent , Louis Verchere , Florent Hervier et Fabrice Bony (Lithophones) 2020/2021 Pas Si Bêtes ! (B.O.) Les Mystères de l'Oie Série Documentaire Arte 16 titres Piano & Programmation : Renaud Barbier Lithophones & Percussions : Fabrice Bony Saxophones & Clarinettes : Gilles Grivolla Guitares & Ukulele : Benoit Medrykowski 2020/2021 Pas Si Bêtes ! (B.O.) Les Chèvres Savantes et le Lapin Sauvage Série Documentaire Arte 22 titres Piano & Programmation : Renaud Barbier Lithophones & Percussions : Fabrice Bony Saxophones & Clarinettes : Gilles Grivolla Guitares & Ukulele : Benoit Medrykowski 2020 Petit Pays (B.O.) Film , Cinéma. 25 titres Piano & Programmation : Renaud Barbier Trompette : Marc Niess Lithophones : Fabrice Bony 2019/2020 The New Wild Worlds (BO) Arte Documentary Series 29 tracks Piano & Programming: Renaud Barbier Lithophones & Percussions: Fabrice Bony 2015 When Homo Sapiens made his cinema (soundtrack) Documentary Arte 17 tracks Piano & Programming: Renaud Barbier Lithophones & Percussions: Fabrice Bony

  • Lithophone Fabrice Bony Compositeur Lithophoniste Batteur

    Fabrice Bony et le Lithophone LITHOPHONE Definition : (from the Greek lithos, " Pierre ", And phone," his "). Term for percussion instruments made of stone, marble, etc. It seems that some churches in Lithuania had one or more slabs suspended outside the building to serve as church bells. China has known in its temples instruments made up of sixteen L-shaped plates, sometimes in jade, the origin of which dates from the second millennium BC. There is in Great Britain a large harmonica of " Pierre »Fitted with basalt bars, kept at the Keswick Museum (Cumbria) Encyclopedic Dictionary of Music - University of Oxford. Lozère limestone lithophone Nature offers us many possibilities in terms of sound materials. They are there within earshot ... Listen to the present moment of the sound and you will find ... For the little story in the big story ... Iceland In December 2010, I was invited for almost 2 months in artistic residency in Iceland, “ Fresh Winds in Gardur ". During a trip to Husafell, accompanied by Icelandic composers Áki Ásgeirsson and Atli Ingólfsson, I meet a funny character in the person of Páll Guðmundsson, discreet artist with many talents, sculptor, designer, painter, musician…. (You can see it in the magnificent DVD " Heima From the Sigur Rós group). In his studio, Páll makes us hear for the first time his famous lithophones in basalt stone (Liparite) and it is a real shock. Hearing sounds of such great purity and such a beautiful resonance makes us happy. It must also be said that Páll plays the lithophone in a childish and naive way. Very touching. Lozere Back in France, and having just moved to Lozère in the heart of the Cévennes National Park, it seems obvious to me that I must experiment, find " ringing stones »…. , I am there where one meets shale, limestone, sandstone and granite. After some scouting and the indications of a friend working in dry stone, Mr. Roland Mousquès, I ended up finding beautiful scree. Ah the ringing stones !!!! Real delight to be there in the middle of them. Be on the lookout and find those that sound, those that could possibly agree with each other because this is also all the work of creation from lithophone. Of course, I'm looking for notes, ½ tones etc, a 1st octave, a 2nd, etc. I find them, it works! Subsequently, I carry out other experiments, associations of limestone with sandstone, schist, slate, I obtain very interesting sounds. Ultimately, I realize that it is above all assembling the sounds, the different subjects that interests me, regardless of whether the notes are " fair ". So I don't use classical tuning. I leave that to Páll Guðmundsson who respects this principle. I try to create a variation, a complementarity to his remarkable work. At the very beginning, I played lithophones with sticks of fine and flexible wood that I found in the forest. The stones rest on wooden slats covered with wool felt thus allowing the note a beautiful vibration. Lithophones in phonolith from Cantal and Ardèche I was invited to perform with lithophones at the Festival des Métiers d'Art en Cévennes at Pont de Monvert in 2013 and 2014. Then at the Festival de la Pierre aux Baux de Provence, then other festivals such as Instants Sonores. The public is touched by mineral sounds and it is often beyond words that they express it. This brings me to a reflection when a lithophonic creation that would be engraved on a disc. This will result in the creation and recording of the Lithophonic album of which you can listen to samples. here. The record is also for sale on the site. (Released in March 2016) "... The harmonic harmony of our old sisters the stones opens up all possibilities because they are wiser than us. And by magicians like Fabrice Bony, they will end up contaminating men with an irrepressible need for harmony. .. " Anne Sibran (Writer / Novelist / Philosopher) - June 2017 "Fabrice Bony was born to always amaze us. Multi-instrumentalist, alchemist of sounds, he takes us today to the depths of a cyclical experience performed on a timeless instrument: the Lithophone. " Christian Décamps (ANGE) - April 2016 In 2015, I moved to Charente-Maritime in Rochefort. Through Isabel Faustino I discover the magical sounds of the old slate oyster collectors. Their resonances are quite astonishing and fascinating. At the same time, I meet the gestural theater company Les Journaliers who invite me with them for occasional improvised performances in a natural environment. I discovered the beautiful sounds of the blue schist stone of Nozay (44) with the Asphan association. Lithophone and Television In 2015, I recorded the lithophone for television with the composer Renaud Barbier. This will be the soundtrack of the ARTE TV documentary When Homo Sapiens made his Cinema directed by Pascal Cuissot. BO available in digital version. In 2017, I recorded the lithophone again under the direction of composer Renaud Barbier for the documentary France 3 Comme des Sardines en Boite. 2018 ... In 2018, lithophones resonate again on the 4th album 7 + ∞ (released in June 2018) . The idea was to mix mineral sounds with the instruments of current music. The former collectors of rubbed oysters also resonate on the new album of ANGE Happy (released in March 2018) Following the meeting with the jazz trumpeter Marc Niess, I founded the duo Fabrice Bony & Marc Niess mixing mineral sounds and jazz forms. Quite atypical duo. Invited to Iceland and Japan during international artistic residencies, I aspire to discover the mineral sounds from here and elsewhere. It is also important for me that all generations can listen to the mineral sounds of the origins. We come from there. So the idea of composing mineral electronic music aimed at the younger generations is a very captivating prospect. To be continued ...

  • Luli Fabrice Bony Compositeur Lithophoniste Batteur

    Luli collectif franco japonais autour des 2 batteurs percussionnistes Tomoo Nagai et Fabrice Bony, avec Samantha Zaccarie, Yasuyo Iso... LULI is a Franco-Japanese musical collective founded in 2013. Born from the meeting between the two drummer-percussionists Tomoo Nagai and Fabrice Bony, also composers, LULI develops original music, most often improvised where rhythms rub shoulders with multiple sound spaces. The first meeting of Fabrice Bony and Tomoo Nagai was during the tribute paid to those who disappeared from the Fukushima disaster in March 2011 at the Menuiserie de Rodez. Since then, they have come together every year to give a concert in memory of this event. Tomoo Nagai plays metallic idiophones (chimes, tubes, bells…) and in particular singing bowls (“ orin "). He is also the creator of original musical instruments, composed of wood, metal and other recycled materials, which allows him to explore and sculpt new sounds. Fabrice Bony works on sound spatialization and for this uses different instruments (percussions, guitars, psaltery, stones ...) LULI likes to adapt to the acoustics of the place and sculpt the sound material from a " skeleton »On which the artists improvise electro-acoustic atmospheres. Open to new encounters and creative exchanges, the collective has been enriched by collaborations with different artists : Yasuyo Iso (Voice), Samantha Zaccarie (photo, video), Akamatsu (electronic music), Miho Watarai (piano, melodica, percussions), Miyuki Kido (visual installations), Kae Touyama (dance), Korio Saito (cello, percussions ). The concerts they give as a duo or in collaboration are an invitation to " Sound Dreams ". Improvisation - which essentially guides LULI's work - allows polyrhythmic and harmonic atmospheres to develop and develop. During their tour in Japan in April 2015, they recorded and produced the CD In the Middle of No Way which was released in March 2016 produced by the label Fusion for Peace Productions. In 2016, LULI made two concert tours in France (March) and Japan (Sept-Oct).

  • About / A propos de Fabrice Bony compositeur lithophoniste Rochefort

    Biographie de Fabrice Bony compositeur batteur et lithophoniste ABOUT / ABOUT "Fabrice Bony was born to always amaze us. Multi-instrumentalist, alchemist of sounds, he takes us today to the depths of a cyclical experience performed on a timeless instrument: the Lithophone." Christian Décamps (ANGE) - April 2016 "... The harmonic harmony of our old sisters the stones opens up all possibilities because they are wiser than us. And by magicians like Fabrice Bony, they will end up contaminating men with an irrepressible need for harmony. .. " Anne Sibran (Writer / Novelist) - June 2017 Drummer by training, graduated from the Center Musical et Créatif de Nancy (CMCN) in 1991. Stage musician (ANGE, Nino Ferrer, Dorothée Daniel, Rictus…) and accomplished studio (Béatrice Thiriet, Renaud Barbier…), he records numerous records for various artists. Multi-instrumentalist, he composed 2 solo albums Between Day (2008) and Inner Lands (2013) in the lineage of Progressive Rock and Jazz Rock. One of his many sources of inspiration is also minimalist music (Steve Reich…) and the lithophone that he developed within the Spirales Ephémères project from 2011 to 2014. In 2015, he recorded the lithophone with the composer Renaud Barbier the band sound of ARTE's documentary When Homo Sapiens made his Cinema. Then composed the Lithophonic album (2016) entirely devoted to the lithophone. Performs in France, Iceland and regularly with the Japanese percussionist Tomoo Nagai in the French-Japanese improvised music collective LULI since 2013 in France and Japan in April 2015 and October 2016. In 2016, he joined the Cie Les Journaliers (Théâtre Gestuel) for numerous performances with the Mud Beings and creations of Petites Fabulations sur la Mort (2019) & Petites Fabulations du Printemps (2020). Then recorded as a drummer with the composer Béatrice Thiriet for the soundtrack of the film Corniche Kennedy directed by Dominique Cabrera. In 2017, he recorded for the composer Renaud Barbier the soundtrack of documentary France 3 Comme des Sardines en Boite, then toured with Tomoo Nagai for shows on the texts of Pierre Loti. Guest in Iceland at the international Fresh Winds artistic residency (Dec. 2017 - Jan. 2018). Then composes and signs the prologue to the title Nancy-Jupiter à la Nage of the new album of ANGE Happy released in March 2018. Along with the Lithophonic solo concerts, collective performances (Cie Les Journaliers), he developed with trumpeter Marc Niess, the duo Fabrice Bony & Marc Niess , a project combining progressive mineral, improvised, minimalist and jazz music. Their Live Concert album was released in April 2019. Release of his 4th album 7 + ∞ (June 2018) whose theme is Timeless Nomadism. In August 2018, he was invited to an artistic residency in Omachi / Nagano (Japan) and participates in the Shinano Primitive Sense Art Festival. He collaborates with the Swedish choreographer and dancer SU-EN during his performance Iki-Stone. 2019, a year rich in collaborations, recordings and tours with Cie Les Journaliers , Les Poissons-Pierres and Les Êtres DeBoue. Also, he joined the Cie Carré Blanc Sur Fond Bleu for the youth show In Search of Pablo with the actress Emmanuelle Marquis and director Frédéric Sarezza. New concert tour in Japan with Tomoo Nagai and the Luli collective. (Feb-March 2019) He records lithophones & percussions with the composer Renaud Barbier for the soundtrack of the Arte Tv documentary series Les Nouveaux Mondes Sauvages . (Broadcast October 2019) Invited to the 4th Organ Festival of La Réole for a meeting and a unique Lithophone and Church Organ concert with the Paleo-Musicologist Erik Gonthier and the improvising organist Uriel Valadeau. Creation of the musical reading Fragments de Vie with the actress Emmanuelle Marquis. The year 2020 is on the same dynamic as 2019, the SU-EN Butoh Dance Company (Sweden) is commissioning him new lithophonic compositions for his show In the Flesh (Sweden tour in April 2020). He is invited for Les 50 ans de ANGE at the Trianon in Paris and on several other dates. The soundtrack Les Nouveaux Mondes Sauvages was released on the BOriginal label (January 2020) . Also Fabrice records the lithophones for the soundtrack of the film Petit Pays directed by Eric Barbier. Music composed by Renaud Barbier (Released in France on March 18, 2020). Will participate in the creation of the next Les Petites Fabulations du Printemps show by Cie Les Journaliers in May 2020. Finally in August-September 2020, he was invited to an artistic residency in Japan for the Arts Island Tokyo Festival.

  • About / A propos de Fabrice Bony compositeur lithophoniste Rochefort

    Biographie de Fabrice Bony compositeur batteur et lithophoniste ABOUT / ABOUT "... The harmonic harmony of our old sisters the stones opens up all possibilities because they are wiser than us. And by magicians like Fabrice Bony, they will end up contaminating men with an irrepressible need for harmony. .. " Anne Sibran (Writer / Novelist) - June 2017 "Fabrice Bony was born to always amaze us. Multi-instrumentalist, alchemist of sounds, he takes us today to the depths of a cyclical experience performed on a timeless instrument: the Lithophone." Christian Décamps (ANGE) - April 2016 Drummer by training, graduated from the Center Musical et Créatif de Nancy (CMCN) in 1991. Stage musician (ANGE, Nino Ferrer, Dorothée Daniel, Rictus…) and accomplished studio (Béatrice Thiriet, Renaud Barbier…), he records numerous records for various artists. Multi-instrumentalist, he composed 2 solo albums Between Day (2008) and Inner Lands (2013) in the lineage of Progressive Rock and Jazz Rock. One of his many sources of inspiration is also minimalist music (Steve Reich…) and the lithophone that he developed within the Spirales Ephémères project from 2011 to 2014. In 2015, he recorded the lithophone with the composer Renaud Barbier the band sound of ARTE's documentary When Homo Sapiens made his Cinema. Then composed the Lithophonic album (2016) entirely devoted to the lithophone. Performs in France, Iceland and regularly with the Japanese percussionist Tomoo Nagai in the French-Japanese improvised music collective LULI since 2013 in France and Japan in April 2015 and October 2016. In 2016, he joined the Cie Les Journaliers (Théâtre Gestuel) for numerous performances with the Mud Beings and creations of Petites Fabulations sur la Mort (2019) & Petites Fabulations du Printemps (2020). Then recorded as a drummer with the composer Béatrice Thiriet for the soundtrack of the film Corniche Kennedy directed by Dominique Cabrera. In 2017, he recorded for the composer Renaud Barbier the soundtrack of documentary France 3 Comme des Sardines en Boite, then toured with Tomoo Nagai for shows on the texts of Pierre Loti. Guest in Iceland at the international Fresh Winds artistic residency (Dec. 2017 - Jan. 2018). Then composes and signs the prologue to the title Nancy-Jupiter à la Nage of the new album of ANGE Happy released in March 2018. Along with the Lithophonic solo concerts, collective performances (Cie Les Journaliers), he developed with trumpeter Marc Niess, the duo Fabrice Bony & Marc Niess , a project combining progressive mineral, improvised, minimalist and jazz music. Their Live Concert album was released in April 2019. Release of his 4th album 7 + ∞ (June 2018) whose theme is Timeless Nomadism. In August 2018, he was invited to an artistic residency in Omachi / Nagano (Japan) and participates in the Shinano Primitive Sense Art Festival. He collaborates with the Swedish choreographer and dancer SU-EN during his performance Iki-Stone. 2019, a year rich in collaborations, recordings and tours with Cie Les Journaliers , Les Poissons-Pierres and Les Êtres DeBoue. Also, he joined the Cie Carré Blanc Sur Fond Bleu for the youth show In Search of Pablo with the actress Emmanuelle Marquis and director Frédéric Sarezza. New concert tour in Japan with Tomoo Nagai and the Luli collective. (Feb-March 2019) He records lithophones & percussions with the composer Renaud Barbier for the soundtrack of the Arte Tv documentary series Les Nouveaux Mondes Sauvages . (Broadcast October 2019) Invited to the 4th Organ Festival of La Réole for a meeting and a unique Lithophone and Church Organ concert with the Paleo-Musicologist Erik Gonthier and the improvising organist Uriel Valadeau. Creation of the musical reading Fragments de Vie with the actress Emmanuelle Marquis. The year 2020 is on the same dynamic as 2019, the SU-EN Butoh Dance Company (Sweden) is commissioning him new lithophonic compositions for his show In the Flesh (Sweden tour in April 2020). He is invited for Les 50 ans de ANGE at the Trianon in Paris and on several other dates. The soundtrack Les Nouveaux Mondes Sauvages was released on the BOriginal label (January 2020) . Also Fabrice records the lithophones for the soundtrack of the film Petit Pays directed by Eric Barbier. Music composed by Renaud Barbier (Released in France on March 18, 2020). Will participate in the creation of the next Les Petites Fabulations du Printemps show by Cie Les Journaliers in May 2020. Finally in August-September 2020, he was invited to an artistic residency in Japan for the Arts Island Tokyo Festival.

  • 2018 JAPON Shinano Sense Art Festival | fabricebony

    Fabrice Bony was invited as artist in residency for the Shinano Primitive Sense Art Festival 2018 in Japan. Here is a report of his participation. Shinano Primitive Sense Art Festival 2018 - Japan Fabrice Bony's report on Shinano Primitive Sense Art Festival 2018 Residence artist staying period: August 22nd, 2018 - September 4th, 2018 Location: Fresh Winds House I would like to thanks Mr Nobuyuki Sugihara (Project Director), Taeko Mori (Program Director) and Eri Hosoda (Coordinator) for inviting me as artist in residence for Shinano Primitive Sense Art Festival 2018. This residence offered me the possibilities to present my work as musician and composer. I was also able to give workshops and have collaborations with other invited artists. Music work Since 2012, I'm working on musical stones percussions “Lithophone” I created. As I arrived in Omachi City, my main idea was to find stones in the area for a new mineral music creation. I walked in the countryside of Omachi to look for these stones but I could not find some. So finally, I created new percussion from metallic tools that had very nice sounds. Afterwards japanese percussionist Tomoo Nagai I often collaborate with sent me some French stones we are using for concerts together. I mixed these stones with metallic tools for workshops and performances during the Art Festival. The mixing sounded very nice together, so it became my music installation for this Art Festival. Collaborations I played Taiko drum during at Ripple Drama & Primitive Stone Garden, Nishimaru Shinya Memorial Hall. I played Taiko drum at Kalin Diway. Iki - Stone collaboration with Swedish dancer SU-EN, I worked with lithophone, metallic instruments and computer sounds at Shinano Hall. Collaboration and concert with percussionist Tomoo Nagai with lithophone and rusted rebar at Shinano Hall. Collaboration for Song of Awa with Sakiko Ando (Singer), Nobuyuki Sugihara (Dance) & Tomoo Nagai (Lithophone) at Shinano Hall. I was also invited by Mr Sugihara to collaborate at for the 14th Matsushira Contemporary Art Festival - Spring Waterway at Teramachi Merchant House. Workshop I did a workshop with Lithophone and metallic rusted rebar installation at Futae Citizen Farm. In France, I'm living nearby Atlantic Ocean in a very famous oyster area. Many years ago, oysters farmers used these stones for making oysters production. I discovered these stones have amazing sounds and resonance. I feel great inspiration with them. So during this workshop, I enjoyed to introduce those amazing sounds for local people and proposed them to play on them and they really enjoyed that. As they also brought their own musical instruments, I suggested them the idea to create all together some trance grooves including the Konnokol rhythm singing from South East India. It was a real surprise for some local people to discover this way of learning how to sing rhythm easily. As percussionist it was a very nice time conducting this workshop During the Art Festival, I enjoyed to meet artists from Japan and other countries. I was impressed by the quality of organization and artworks. I hope my participation could bring inspiration for everybody. Actually SU-EN still uses Lithophonic pieces I recorded for some of her dance performances. Arigato Gozaimasu. Fabrice Bony

  • Fabrice Bony Compositeur Lithophoniste Batteur à Rochefort

    Site de Fabrice Bony compositeur batteur lithophoniste multi-instrumentiste Photos: Samantha Zaccarie F ABRICE B ONY // Composer, Drummer, Lithophonist No posts published in this language yet Once posts are published, you’ll see them here. Photos: Reiko Ariki Photos : Samantha Zaccarie S`abonner maintenant Langag es Fabrice Bony, Composer Lithophonist Drummer Guitarist Contact Rochefort, France Copyright Fabrice Bony 2020

  • Gallery Fabrice Bony Compositeur Lithophoniste Batteur

    Photos concerts, événements autour de Fabrice Bony GALLERY 06/18/2019 @ Matha, Salle Polyvalente - Youth show In Search of Pablo. Emmanuelle Marquis (Actress / Visual artist), Fabrice Bony (Music) and Frédéric Sarezza (Direction and body). Photos: Frédéric Sarezza 04 and 06/06/2019 @ Studio Alhambra, Rochefort. Recording of lithophones and percussions with the composer Renaud Barbier for the documentary series Arte Tv Rewilding Photos: Samantha Zaccarie and Fabrice Bony 05/24/2019 @ Studio Alhambra, Rochefort. Recording with Fabrice Bony, Marc Niess & Karine Delage. Photos: Samantha Zaccarie, Fabrice Bony and Solam 05/18/2019 @ National Museum of Prehistory - Les Eyzies (European Night of Museums) Lithophonic concert Photos: Samantha Zaccarie 05/09/2019 @ Bourcefranc, Lycée de la Mer Performance with Les Poissons-Pierres during the artistic residency "Prises de Terre" Photos: Samantha Zaccarie 04/06/2019 @ Cabariot, In Search of Pablo , Youth Show Caro artistic residency exit. Photos: Samantha Zaccarie 08/29/2017 DOLUS D'OLERON Festival O! The Streets @ la Baudissière Performance at 7:23 am with the DeBoue Beings, Cie Les Journaliers + Satoru Kita, (saxophones) Photos: Kaori Asahiro & Izabela Matos Festival O! Les Rues Performance Êtres Deboue + Satoru Kita (Saxophones) + Fabrice Bony (Lithophones) Photo : Kaori Asahiro Festival O! Les Rues Performance Êtres Deboue + Satoru Kita (Saxophones) + Fabrice Bony (Lithophones) Photo : Kaori Asahiro Festival O! Les Rues Performance Êtres Deboue + Satoru Kita (Saxophones) + Fabrice Bony (Lithophones) Photo : Kaori Asahiro Festival O! Les Rues Performance Êtres Deboue + Satoru Kita (Saxophones) + Fabrice Bony (Lithophones) Photo : Kaori Asahiro Festival O! Les Rues Performance Êtres Deboue + Satoru Kita (Saxophones) + Fabrice Bony (Lithophones) Photo : Kaori Asahiro Festival O! Les Rues Performance Êtres Deboue + Satoru Kita (Saxophones) + Fabrice Bony (Lithophones) Photo : Kaori Asahiro Festival O! Les Rues Performance Êtres Deboue + Satoru Kita (Saxophones) + Fabrice Bony (Lithophones) Photo : Kaori Asahiro Festival O! Les Rues Performance Êtres Deboue + Satoru Kita (Saxophones) + Fabrice Bony (Lithophones) Photo : Kaori Asahiro Festival O! Les Rues Performance Êtres Deboue + Satoru Kita (Saxophones) + Fabrice Bony (Lithophones) Photo : Kaori Asahiro Festival O! Les Rues Installation Lithophones Photo : Izabela Matos 05/20/2017 NOZAY Church Concert - Video projection Photos: Samantha Zaccarie Tomoo Nagai Photo : Samantha Zaccarie Fabrice Bony & Fishes projection Photo : Samantha Zaccarie Tomoo Nagai & Jellyfish Photo : Samantha Zaccarie Ensemble with Jellyfishes Photo : Samantha Zaccarie Tomoo Nagai, Fabrice Bony & Bambu Photo : Samantha Zaccarie Tomoo Nagai, Fabrice Bony & Water Photo : Samantha Zaccarie Installation Photo : Samantha Zaccarie Les Artistes Tomoo Nagai, Samantha Zaccarie & Fabrice Bony. Photo : Samantha Zaccarie Les Artistes Brieuc Segalen, Tomoo Nagai, Samantha Zaccarie, Fabrice Bony & Daphnée Collin. 12 & 13/05/2017 ST JEAN D'ANGLE Church Performance with the DeBoue Beings, Cie Les Journaliers Photos: Miyuki Kido Tomoo Nagai Photo : Miyuki Kido Fabrice Bony Photo : Miyuki Kido Être DeBoue Photo : Miyuki Kido Êtres DeBoue Photo : Miyuki Kido Fabrice Bony & Tomoo Nagai Photo : Miyuki Kido Êtres DeBoue Photo : Miyuki Kido Tomoo Nagai Photo : Miyuki Kido Être DeBoue Photo : Miyuki Kido Êtres DeBoue Photo : Miyuki Kido Fabrice Bony & Tomoo Nagai Photo : Miyuki Kido Êtres DeBoue Photo : Miyuki Kido Êtres DeBoue Photo : Miyuki Kido 05/11/2017 SCILLAIS Party Hall Concert Tomoo Nagai & Fabrice Bony Photos: Jean-Christophe Pratt Concert Echillais Tomoo Nagai (Percussions) Photo : Jean-Christophe Pratt Concert Echillais Fabrice Bony (Guitare & vocal) Photo : Jean-Christophe Pratt Concert Echillais Tomoo Nagai (Percussions) Photo : Jean-Christophe Pratt Concert Echillais Tomoo Nagai (Percussions) Photo : Jean-Christophe Pratt Concert Echillais - Salle des Fêtes Tomoo Nagai (Percussions) Photo : Jean-Christophe Pratt Concert Echillais - Salle des Fêtes Fabrice Bony (Guitare) Photo : Jean-Christophe Pratt Concert Echillais - Salle des Fêtes Tomoo Nagai (Percussions) Photo : Jean-Christophe Pratt Concert Echillais - Salle des Fêtes Fabrice Bony (Guitare) Photo : Jean-Christophe Pratt Concert Echillais - Salle des Fêtes Tomoo Nagai (Percussions) Photo : Jean-Christophe Pratt Concert Echillais - Salle des Fêtes Tomoo Nagai (Percussions) Photo : Jean-Christophe Pratt Concert Echillais - Salle des Fêtes Fabrice Bony & Tomoo Nagai (Lithophones) Photo : Jean-Christophe Pratt Concert Echillais - Salle des Fêtes Fabrice Bony (Lithophones) Photo : Jean-Christophe Pratt 05/09/2017 ROCHEFORT Hebrew Museum of St Clément Spring Japoneries. Musical reading around the texts of Pierre Loti. Photos: Samantha Zaccarie Catherine Jamain Photo : Samantha Zaccarie Fabrice Bony Photo : Samantha Zaccarie Tomoo Nagai Photo : Samantha Zaccarie Tomoo Nagai & Fabrice Bony Photo : Samantha Zaccarie Fabrice Bony & Tomoo Nagai Photo : Samantha Zaccarie Catherine Jamain Photo : Samantha Zaccarie Miyuki Kido & Catherine Jamain Photo : Samantha Zaccarie Catherine Jamain Photo : Samantha Zaccarie Vue du public Photo : Samantha Zaccarie Miyuki, Catherine, Tomoo & Fabrice Photo : Samantha Zaccarie Miyuki, Catherine, Tomoo & Fabrice Photo : Samantha Zaccarie Les Artistes Catherine Jamain, Tomoo Nagai, Miyuki Kido, Fabrice Bony & Samantha Zaccarie. 01/21/2017 ROCHEFORT Gold Cup Theater Photos: Samantha Zaccarie Rochefort - Théâtre de la Coupe d'Or Concert solo Lithophonic Photo : Samantha Zaccarie Rochefort - Théâtre de la Coupe d'Or Retrouvailles avec Christian & Tristan Décamps (Ange) Photo : Samantha Zaccarie Rochefort - Théâtre de la Coupe d'Or Retrouvailles avec Christian & Tristan Décamps (Ange) Photo : Samantha Zaccarie Rochefort - Théâtre de la Coupe d'Or Décollage de lithophone sur scène ! Photo : Samantha Zaccarie Rochefort - Théâtre de la Coupe d'Or Lithophone au théâtre ce soir ! Rochefort - Théâtre de la Coupe d'Or Duo d'Ange avec Christian et Tristan Décamps. Photo : Samantha Zaccarie Rochefort - Théâtre de la Coupe d'Or Duo d'Ange avec Christian et Tristan Décamps. Photo : Samantha Zaccarie Rochefort - Théâtre de la Coupe d'Or Christian & Tristan Décamps rejoint sur scène par Fabrice Bony pour une version acoustique et lithophonic de Quasimodo. Photo : Samantha Zaccarie Rochefort - Théâtre de la Coupe d'Or Christian & Tristan Décamps rejoint sur scène par Fabrice Bony pour une version acoustique et lithophonic de Quasimodo. Photo : Samantha Zaccarie Rochefort - Théâtre de la Coupe d'Or Duo d'Ange avec Christian et Tristan Décamps. Photo : Samantha Zaccarie Rochefort - Théâtre de la Coupe d'Or Samantha Zaccarie & Fabrice Bony au merchandising Photo by Choco Rochefort - Théâtre de la Coupe d'Or Samantha Zaccarie, Tristan Décamps et Fabrice Bony Photo by Choco 09 & 10/01/2017 ROCHEFORT Studio Alhambra Colbert Recording with composer Renaud Barbier. Documentary France 3 Corsica LIKE SARDINES IN A CAN Photos: Samantha Zaccarie and Fabrice Bony Enregistrement studio Comme des sardines en boite (Documentaire France 3 Corse) Photo : Samantha Zaccarie Enregistrement studio Fabrice Bony, lithophone & Renaud Barbier, compositeur Photo : Samantha Zaccarie Enregistrement studio Fabrice Bony, lithophone & Renaud Barbier, compositeur Photo : Samantha Zaccarie Enregistrement studio Fabrice Bony, batterie de cuisine et lithophone & Renaud Barbier, compositeur Photo : Samantha Zaccarie Enregistrement studio Fabrice Bony, batterie de cuisine et lithophone & Renaud Barbier, compositeur Photo : Samantha Zaccarie Enregistrement studio Fabrice Bony, caisse claire Photo : Samantha Zaccarie Enregistrement studio Fabrice Bony, batterie de cuisine et lithophone & Renaud Barbier, compositeur Photo : Samantha Zaccarie Enregistrement studio Samantha Zaccarie, guimbarde & Renaud Barbier, compositeur. Photo : Fabrice Bony Enregistrement studio Samantha Zaccarie, guimbarde & Renaud Barbier, compositeur. Photo : Fabrice Bony Enregistrement studio Fabrice Bony, lithophone et batterie de cuisine Renaud Barbier, compositeur François Gaucher, ingénieur du son Photo : Samantha Zaccarie Enregistrement studio Samantha Zaccarie, guimbarde Photo : Fabrice Bony Enregistrement studio Touche final ! Photo : Samantha Zaccarie 12/17/2016 AIX EN PROVENCE Méjanes media library Photos: Marcel Bony Aix-en-Provence Médiathèque Méjanes Fabrice Bony - Lithophonic Photo : Marcel Bony Aix-en-Provence Médiathèque Méjanes Fabrice Bony - Lithophonic Photo : Marcel Bony Aix-en-Provence Médiathèque Méjanes Fabrice Bony Concert Lithophonic Photo : Marcel Bony Aix-en-Provence Médiathèque Méjanes Fabrice Bony, concert Lithophonic Photo : Marcel Bony Aix-en-Provence Médiathèque Méjanes Fabrice Bony, concert Lithophonic Photo : Marcel Bony Aix-en-Provence Médiathèque Méjanes Fabrice Bony, concert Lithophonic Echange avec le public. Photo : Marcel Bony 12/17/2016 AIX EN PROVENCE Li Campaneto Library Photos: Marcel Bony Fabrice Bony - Concert Lithophonic Aix-en-Provence, bibliothèque Li Campaneto Photo : Marcel Bony Fabrice Bony - Concert Lithophonic Aix-en-Provence, bibliothèque Li Campaneto Photo : Marcel Bony Fabrice Bony - Concert Lithophonic Aix-en-Provence, bibliothèque Li Campaneto Photo : Marcel Bony Fabrice Bony - Concert Lithophonic Aix-en-Provence, bibliothèque Li Campaneto Photo : Marcel Bony Fabrice Bony - Concert Lithophonic Aix-en-Provence, bibliothèque Li Campaneto Photo : Marcel Bony Fabrice Bony - Concert Lithophonic Aix-en-Provence, bibliothèque Li Campaneto Photo : Marcel Bony 25/11/2016 ROCHEFORT Protestant temple Photos: Samantha Zaccarie Rochefort - Temple Protestant Photo : Samantha Zaccarie Rochefort - Temple Protestant Fabrice Bony Photo : Samantha Zaccarie Rochefort - Temple Protestant Nicolas Mainguet Photo : Samantha Zaccarie Rochefort - Temple Protestant Fabrice Bony Photo : Samantha Zaccarie Rochefort - Temple Protestant Fabrice Bony & Nicolas Mainguet Photo : Samantha Zaccarie Rochefort - Temple Protestant Fabrice Bony Photo : Samantha Zaccarie Rochefort - Temple Protestant Nicolas Mainguet Photo : Samantha Zaccarie Rochefort - Temple Protestant Fabrice Bony & Nicolas Mainguet Photo : Samantha Zaccarie Rochefort - Temple Protestant Fabrice Bony & Nicolas Mainguet Photo : Samantha Zaccarie Rochefort - Temple Protestant Fabrice Bony Photo : Samantha Zaccarie Rochefort - Temple Protestant Fabrice Bony Photo : Samantha Zaccarie Rochefort - Temple Protestant Fabrice Bony & Nicolas Mainguet Photo : Samantha Zaccarie 14/10/2016 TOKYO Shibuya, Koen Dori Classics LULI + SERENDIPITY Tomoo Nagai, Fabrice Bony, Samantha Claire Zaccarie, Miho Namatame, Fred Viennot. Photos: Samantha Zaccarie Luli + Serendipity Fabrice Bony (gt, perc, vo), Tomoo Nagai (perc, vo), Samantha Claire Zaccarie(vj, vo) Miho Namatame (vo), Fred Viennot (keys). photo by Samantha Zaccarie Luli + Serendipity Fabrice Bony (gt, perc, vo), Tomoo Nagai (perc, vo), Samantha Claire Zaccarie(vj, vo) Miho Namatame (vo), Fred Viennot (keys). photo by Samantha Zaccarie Luli + Serendipity Fabrice Bony (gt, perc, vo), Tomoo Nagai (perc, vo), Samantha Claire Zaccarie(vj, vo) Miho Namatame (vo), Fred Viennot (keys). photo by Samantha Zaccarie Luli + Serendipity Fabrice Bony (gt, perc, vo), Tomoo Nagai (perc, vo), Samantha Claire Zaccarie(vj, vo) Miho Namatame (vo), Fred Viennot (keys). photo by Samantha Zaccarie Frédéric Viennot & Miho Namatame Fabrice Bony (gt, perc, vo), Tomoo Nagai (perc, vo), Samantha Claire Zaccarie(vj, vo) Miho Namatame (vo), Fred Viennot (keys). photo by Samantha Zaccarie Fabrice Bony Fabrice Bony (gt, perc, vo), Tomoo Nagai (perc, vo), Samantha Claire Zaccarie(vj, vo) Miho Namatame (vo), Fred Viennot (keys). photo by Samantha Zaccarie Tomoo Nagai Fabrice Bony (gt, perc, vo), Tomoo Nagai (perc, vo), Samantha Claire Zaccarie(vj, vo) Miho Namatame (vo), Fred Viennot (keys). photo by Samantha Zaccarie Tomoo Nagai Fabrice Bony (gt, perc, vo), Tomoo Nagai (perc, vo), Samantha Claire Zaccarie(vj, vo) Miho Namatame (vo), Fred Viennot (keys). photo by Samantha Zaccarie Tomoo Nagai & Fabrice Bony Fabrice Bony (gt, perc, vo), Tomoo Nagai (perc, vo), Samantha Claire Zaccarie(vj, vo) Miho Namatame (vo), Fred Viennot (keys). photo by Samantha Zaccarie Luli + Serendipity Fabrice Bony (gt, perc, vo), Tomoo Nagai (perc, vo), Samantha Claire Zaccarie(vj, vo) Miho Namatame (vo), Fred Viennot (keys). photo by Samantha Zaccarie Luli + Serendipity Fabrice Bony (gt, perc, vo), Tomoo Nagai (perc, vo), Samantha Claire Zaccarie(vj, vo) Miho Namatame (vo), Fred Viennot (keys). photo by Samantha Zaccarie Miho Namatame Fabrice Bony (gt, perc, vo), Tomoo Nagai (perc, vo), Samantha Claire Zaccarie(vj, vo) Miho Namatame (vo), Fred Viennot (keys). photo by Samantha Zaccarie Luli + Serendipity Fabrice Bony (gt, perc, vo), Tomoo Nagai (perc, vo), Samantha Claire Zaccarie(vj, vo) Miho Namatame (vo), Fred Viennot (keys). photo by Samantha Zaccarie Fabrice Bony Fabrice Bony (gt, perc, vo), Tomoo Nagai (perc, vo), Samantha Claire Zaccarie(vj, vo) Miho Namatame (vo), Fred Viennot (keys). photo by Samantha Zaccarie Frédéric Viennot & Fabrice Bony Fabrice Bony (gt, perc, vo), Tomoo Nagai (perc, vo), Samantha Claire Zaccarie(vj, vo) Miho Namatame (vo), Fred Viennot (keys). photo by Samantha Zaccarie Frédéric Viennot Fabrice Bony (gt, perc, vo), Tomoo Nagai (perc, vo), Samantha Claire Zaccarie(vj, vo) Miho Namatame (vo), Fred Viennot (keys). photo by Samantha Zaccarie Frédéric Viennot Fabrice Bony (gt, perc, vo), Tomoo Nagai (perc, vo), Samantha Claire Zaccarie(vj, vo) Miho Namatame (vo), Fred Viennot (keys). photo by Samantha Zaccarie Frédéric Viennot & Miho Namatame Fabrice Bony (gt, perc, vo), Tomoo Nagai (perc, vo), Samantha Claire Zaccarie(vj, vo) Miho Namatame (vo), Fred Viennot (keys). photo by Samantha Zaccarie Frédéric Viennot & Miho Namatame Fabrice Bony (gt, perc, vo), Tomoo Nagai (perc, vo), Samantha Claire Zaccarie(vj, vo) Miho Namatame (vo), Fred Viennot (keys). photo by Samantha Zaccarie Final Fabrice Bony (gt, perc, vo), Tomoo Nagai (perc, vo), Samantha Claire Zaccarie(vj, vo) Miho Namatame (vo), Fred Viennot (keys). photo by Samantha Zaccarie photos by Mikio Kawasaki Luli + Serendipity Live in Shibuya 14 October 2016 Fabrice Bony (gt, perc, vo) Tomoo Nagai (perc, vo) Samantha Claire Zaccarie(vj, vo) Miho Namatame (vo) Fred Viennot (keys) photo by Mikio Kawasaki Luli + Serendipity Live in Shibuya 14 October 2016 Fabrice Bony (gt, perc, vo) Tomoo Nagai (perc, vo) Samantha Claire Zaccarie(vj, vo) Miho Namatame (vo) Fred Viennot (keys) photo by Mikio Kawasaki Luli + Serendipity Live in Shibuya 14 October 2016 Fabrice Bony (gt, perc, vo) Tomoo Nagai (perc, vo) Samantha Claire Zaccarie(vj, vo) Miho Namatame (vo) Fred Viennot (keys) photo by Mikio Kawasaki Miho Namatame & Fredéric Viennot Live in Shibuya 14 October 2016 photo by Mikio Kawasaki Luli + Serendipity Live in Shibuya 14 October 2016 Fabrice Bony (gt, perc, vo) Tomoo Nagai (perc, vo) Samantha Claire Zaccarie(vj, vo) Miho Namatame (vo) Fred Viennot (keys) photo by Mikio Kawasaki Luli + Serendipity Live in Shibuya 14 October 2016 Fabrice Bony (gt, perc, vo) Tomoo Nagai (perc, vo) Samantha Claire Zaccarie(vj, vo) Miho Namatame (vo) Fred Viennot (keys) photo by Mikio Kawasaki Frédéric Viennot (Piano, Keyboards) Live in Shibuya 14 October 2016 photo by Mikio Kawasaki Fabrice Bony (dr, gt, perc & Voc) Live in Shibuya 14 October 2016 photo by Mikio Kawasaki Samantha Zaccarie (Voc & video) Live in Shibuya 14 October 2016 photo by Mikio Kawasaki Tomoo Nagai (Perc & Voc) Live in Shibuya 14 October 2016 photo by Mikio Kawasaki Tomoo Nagai & Fabrice Bony Live in Shibuya 14 October 2016 photo by Mikio Kawasaki Luli + Serendipity Live in Shibuya 14 October 2016 Fabrice Bony (gt, perc, vo) Tomoo Nagai (perc, vo) Samantha Claire Zaccarie(vj, vo) Miho Namatame (vo) Fred Viennot (keys) photo by Mikio Kawasaki 09/10/2016 PORT OF ENVAUX The Lapidiales. Native American evening with Josephine Bacon, Innu poetess and Andrée Lesvêque-Sioui, singer from the Wendake community. Photos: Samantha Zaccarie , Jean-Christophe Pratt Soirée Amérindienne Port d'Envaux, les Lapidiales Photo: Jean-Christophe Pratt Soirée Amérindienne Andrée Lesvêque-Sioui Photo : Jean-Christophe Pratt Soirée Amérindienne Port d'Envaux, les lapidiales Andrée Lesvêque Sioui & Fabrice Bony Photo : Samantha Zaccarie Soirée Amérindiennes Vincent Rouard, conteur. Photo : Jean-Christophe Pratt Soirée Amérindienne Joséphine Bacon, poêtesse Innu Photo : Jean-Christophe Pratt Soirée Amérindienne Fabrice Bony, percussions & Lithophones Photo : Jean-Christophe Pratt Soirée Amérindienne Photo : Jean-Christophe Pratt Soirée Amérindienne Andrée Lesvêque-Sioui, chanteuse de la communauté Wendake. Photo : Jean-Christophe Pratt Soirée Amérindienne Andrée Lesvêque-Sioui, chanteuse de la communauté Wendake, Joséphine Bacon, poêtesse Innu & Fabrice Bony, percussions, lithophones et guitare. Photo : Samantha Zaccarie 06/26/2016 MARENNES D'OLERON Cayenne Performance with the DeBoue Beings, Compagnie Les Journaliers. Photos: Samantha Zaccarie Performance Marennes d'Oléron, La Cayenne Performance avec les Êtres DeBoue Photo : Samantha Zaccarie Performance Marennes d'Oléron, La Cayenne Performance avec les Êtres DeBoue Photo : Samantha Zaccarie Performance Marennes d'Oléron, La Cayenne Performance avec les Êtres DeBoue Photo : Samantha Zaccarie Performance Marennes d'Oléron, La Cayenne Performance avec les Êtres DeBoue Photo : Samantha Zaccarie Performance Marennes d'Oléron, La Cayenne Performance avec les Êtres DeBoue Photo : Samantha Zaccarie Performance Marennes d'Oléron, La Cayenne Performance avec les Êtres DeBoue Photo : Samantha Zaccarie Performance Marennes d'Oléron, La Cayenne Performance avec les Êtres DeBoue Photo : Samantha Zaccarie Performance Marennes d'Oléron, La Cayenne Performance avec les Êtres DeBoue Photo : Samantha Zaccarie Performance Marennes d'Oléron, La Cayenne Performance avec les Êtres DeBoue Photo : Samantha Zaccarie Performance Marennes d'Oléron, La Cayenne Performance avec les Êtres DeBoue Photo : Samantha Zaccarie Performance Marennes d'Oléron, La Cayenne Performance avec les Êtres DeBoue Photo : Samantha Zaccarie Performance Lithophones Photo : Samantha Zaccarie 02/10/2016 ROCHEFORT Studio Alhambra Colbert Recording with the composer Béatrice Thiriet for the film CORNICHE KENNEDY . Photos: Samantha Zaccarie Enregistrement Corniche Kennedy Fabrice Bony, batterie Photo : Samantha Zaccarie Enregistrement Corniche Kennedy Fabrice Bony, batterie Photo : Samantha Zaccarie Enregistrement Corniche Kennedy Fabrice Bony, batterie Photo : Samantha Zaccarie Enregistrement Corniche Kennedy Mathieu Nappez, ingénieur du son Fabrice Bony, batterie Photo : Samantha Zaccarie Enregistrement Corniche Kennedy Mathieu Nappez, ingénieur du son Fabrice Bony, batterie Photo : Samantha Zaccarie Enregistrement Corniche Kennedy Batterie Photo : Samantha Zaccarie Enregistrement Corniche Kennedy Batterie Photo : Samantha Zaccarie Enregistrement Corniche Kennedy Photo : Samantha Zaccarie

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