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  • Tour Fabrice Bony Compositeur Lithophoniste Batteur

    Dates de concerts Fabrice Bony Avec Akamatsu (Post Electronica) @ Rennes aux Ateliers du Vent Photo : Samantha Zaccarie Fab avec Muddy Gurdy @ Rouen, Le 106 Concert Lithophonic @ La Réole, Eglise Fabrice Bony & Erik Gonthier aux Lithophones Avec Akamatsu (Post Electronica) @ Rennes aux Ateliers du Vent Photo : Samantha Zaccarie 1/17 2025 09/01/2025 ROYAN (17) @ Collège Émile Zola - SACRES HÉROS - Cie Carré Blanc sur Fond Bleu 10/01/2025 ROYAN (17) @ Collège Émile Zola - SACRES HÉROS - Cie Carré Blanc sur Fond Bleu 25/01/2025 CLERMONT-FERRAND (63) @ Médiathèque Jaude Concert Muddy Gurdy - Nuits de la Lecture 2025 31/01/2025 LA ROCHE SUR YON (85) @ Le Quai M - Concert Muddy Gurdy Tickets 01/02/2025 SAINT AMANS SOULT (81) @ Festival Autant du Blues - Concert Muddy Gurdy Tickets 06/02/2025 LA ROCHELLE (17) @ La Sirène - Concert Muddy Gurdy - Nuit de l'Alligator 2025 Tickets 21/02/2025 ANNECY (74) @ Médiathèque Bonlieu - À LA RECHERCHE DE PABLO - Cie Carré Blanc sur Fond Bleu 07/03/2025 ROESELARE (BELGIQUE) @ DE MOOIE MOLEN - Concert Muddy Gurdy 08/03/2025 BREE (BELGIQUE) @ CULTUURHUIS DE ZEEPZIEDERIJ - Concert Muddy Gurdy 15/03/2025 PUYBOREAU (17) @ Médiathèque - À LA RECHERCHE DE PABLO - Cie Carré Blanc sur Fond Bleu 22/03/2025 AVOINE (37) @ ESPACE CULTUREL D'AVOINE - Concert Muddy Gurdy 14/04/2025 BALLON (17) @ Résidence de Création de "Héritages" - Cie Carré Blanc sur Fond Bleu 15/04/2025 BALLON (17) @ Résidence de Création de "Héritages" - Cie Carré Blanc sur Fond Bleu 16/04/2025 BALLON (17) @ Résidence de Création de "Héritages" - Cie Carré Blanc sur Fond Bleu 17/04/2025 BALLON (17) @ Résidence de Création de "Héritages" - Cie Carré Blanc sur Fond Bleu 18/04/2025 BALLON (17) @ Résidence de Création de "Héritages" - Cie Carré Blanc sur Fond Bleu 16/05/2025 DIGNE-LES-BAINS (74) @ À LA RECHERCHE DE PABLO - Cie Carré Blanc sur Fond Bleu 17/05/2025 DIGNE-LES-BAINS (74) @ À LA RECHERCHE DE PABLO - Cie Carré Blanc sur Fond Bleu 06/06/2025 VIEILLE EGLISE (62) @ LA GRANGE BLUES FESTIVAL - Concert Muddy Gurdy 07/06/2025 TECOU (81) @ FESTIVAL TECOU EN BLUES - Concert Muddy Gurdy 08/06/2025 CHATRE-SUR-CHER (18) @ LA MAISON DU BLUES - Concert Muddy Gurdy 06/07/2025 VIENNE (38) @ JAZZ A VIENNE FESTIVAL (Scène Cybèle)- Concert Muddy Gurdy 17/07/2025 PERIGUEUX (24) @ Festival MNOP - Concert Muddy Gurdy + Guest : Ruben Moreno 18/07/2025 PERIGUEUX (24) @ Festival MNOP - Concert Muddy Gurdy + Guest : Ruben Moreno 19/07/2025 PERIGUEUX (24) @ Festival MNOP - Concert Muddy Gurdy + Guest : Ruben Moreno 20/07/2025 PERIGUEUX (24) @ Festival MNOP - Concert Muddy Gurdy + Guest : Ruben Moreno 21/07/2025 PERIGUEUX (24) @ Festival MNOP - Concert Muddy Gurdy + Guest : Ruben Moreno 08/08/2025 FRESSELINES (23) @ La p'Art-queterie - Concert Muddy Gurdy 26/08/2025 AOSTE FENIS (ITALIE) @ Festival Etetrad - Concert Muddy Gurdy 06/09/2025 SAINT-MAYEUL (03) @ Chapelle Saint Mayeul - Performance avec Samantha Zaccarie, Kaori Asahiro, Satoru Kita & Fabrice Bony 07/09/2025 SAINT-MAYEUL (03) @ Chapelle Saint Mayeul - Performance avec Samantha Zaccarie, Kaori Asahiro, Satoru Kita & Fabrice Bony 20/09/2025 MONTPELLIER (34) @ Festival International de la Guitare - Concert Muddy Gurdy 29/09/2025 SURGERES (17) @ Résidence de Création de "Héritages" - Cie Carré Blanc sur Fond Bleu 30/09/2025 SURGERES (17) @ Résidence de Création de "Héritages" - Cie Carré Blanc sur Fond Bleu 01/10/2025 SURGERES (17) @ Résidence de Création de "Héritages" - Cie Carré Blanc sur Fond Bleu 02/10/2025 SURGERES (17) @ Résidence de Création de "Héritages" - Cie Carré Blanc sur Fond Bleu 03/10/2025 SURGERES (17) @ Résidence de Création de "Héritages" - Cie Carré Blanc sur Fond Bleu __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 2024 09/01/2024 AULNAY DE SAINTONGE (17) @ Co llè ge SACRES HÉROS - Spectacle Jeunesse avec Emmanuelle Marquis (Comédienne) & Fabrice Bony (Musique) 12 /01/2024 TONNAY CHARENTE (17) @ Les Halles LES LARMES DU MONSTRE Création de la Cie Les Journaliers avec Laure Thomas (Comédienne, Danse), Fabrice Bony (Musique) et Frédéric Sarezza (Mise en scène & Lumières) 30/01/2024 DIJON (21) @ La Vapeur Tickets Concert Muddy Gurdy + Gypsy Mitchell - Tournée des Nuits de l'Alligator 31 /01/2024 PARIS (75) @ La Maroquinerie Tickets Concert Muddy Gurdy + Gypsy Mitchell - Tournée des Nuits de l'Alligator 01 /02/2024 ANGOULEME (16) @ La Nef Tickets Concert Muddy Gurdy + Gypsy Mitchell - Tournée des Nuits de l'Alligator 02 /02/2024 CENON (33) @ Le Rocher de Palmer Tickets Concert Muddy Gurdy + Gypsy Mitchell - Tournée des Nuits de l'Alligator 03 /02/2024 ROUEN (76) @ Le 106 Tickets Concert Muddy Gurdy + Gypsy Mitchell - Tournée des Nuits de l'Alligator 08/02/2024 BOURCEFRANC LE CHAPUS (17) @ Le Sémaphore À LA RECHERCHE DE PABLO Spectacle jeunesse avec Emmanuelle Marquis (Comédienne) & Fabrice Bony (Musique) - Cie Carré Blanc Sur Fond Bleu 05/03/2024 SURGERES (17) @ Collège Hélène de Fontsèque SACRES HÉROS - Spectacle Jeunesse avec Emmanuelle Marquis (Comédienne) & Fabrice Bony (Musique) 03/05/2024 CLERMONT-FERRAND (63) @ La Coopérative de Mai Tickets Concert Muddy Gurdy + Sortie officielle du nouvel album 24/05/2024 SAINT LAURENT DE LA PREE (17) @ Cigognes en fête Performance des Êtres DeBoue de la Cie les Journaliers + Fabrice Bony, lithophones & Satoru Kita, saxophones 25 /05/2024 SAINT LAURENT DE LA PREE (17) @ Cigognes en fête Performance des Êtres DeBoue de la Cie les Journaliers + Fabrice Bony, lithophones & Satoru Kita, saxophones 01 /06/2024 ROCHEFORT (17) @ Médiathèque À LA RECHERCHE DE PABLO Spectacle jeunesse avec Emmanuelle Marquis (Comédienne) & Fabrice Bony (Musique) - Cie Carré Blanc Sur Fond Bleu 29/06/2024 ROMAGNAT (63) @ Festival Pique-Nique Blues C oncert Muddy Gurdy 03/07/2024 ISSY-LES-MOULINEAUX (75) @ RFI (Radio France Internationale) Muddy Gurdy enregistre dnas les studios de RFI une Session Live & Interview avec Laurence Aloir . L'émission sera diffusée le 8 septembre. 06/07/2024 SORGE (24) @ Festival MNOP C oncert Muddy Gurdy 22/07/2024 ROCHEFORT (17) @ Les Lundis de l'Arsenal, Clos La Pérouse C oncert Muddy Gurdy 02/08/2024 CLERMONT-FERRAND (63) @ Festival Les Contre-Plongées C oncert Muddy Gurdy 04/08/2024 GOUVY (BELGIQUE) @ Gouvy Jazz and Blues Festival - Tickets C oncert Muddy Gurdy 25/08/2024 AY-CHAMPAGNE (51) @ Festival Musique en Champagne - Tickets C oncert Muddy Gurdy 12/09/2024 PARIS (75) @ Studio de l'Ermitage - Tickets C oncert Muddy Gurdy - Sortie de l'album Seven sur le label Buda Musique 15/09/2024 MAZE-MILON (49) @ Festival les Jardins de Musique C oncert Muddy Gurdy au Jardin de l'Apostrophe 17/10/2024 ROYAT (63) @ France 3 Auvergne - Rhône Alpes Enregistrement + interview Muddy Gurdy 19/10/2024 NEVERS (58) @ Le Café Charbon - Tickets Concert Muddy Gurdy + Diffusion en avant première du film sur Muddy Gurdy en Louisiane 08/11/2024 LORIENT (56) @ Festival les Indisciplinés - Tickets Concert Muddy Gurdy + Robert Finley Du 02/12 au ROCHEFORT (17) @ La Boite 06/12/2024 Résidence de création avec la Cie Carré Blanc sur Fond Bleu 04/12/2024 CROIX-CHAPEAU (17) @ Salle des Fêtes À LA RECHERCHE DE PABLO Spectacle jeunesse avec Emmanuelle Marquis (Comédienne) & Fabrice Bony (Musique) - Cie Carré Blanc Sur Fond Bleu 14/12/2024 CLERMONT-FERRAND (63) @ Librairie des Volcans Showcase Muddy Gurdy Seven (Cd Buda Musique) de 14h à 16h 14/12/2024 CLERMONT-FERRAND (63) @ Cinéma La Jetée Projection du film "SEVEN" + Mini concert Muddy Gurdy à 19h 20/12/2024 FONTENAY-LE-COMTE (85) @ Salle des Fêtes / LAEP À LA RECHERCHE DE PABLO Spectacle jeunesse avec Emmanuelle Marquis (Comédienne) & Fabrice Bony (Musique) - Cie Carré Blanc Sur Fond Bleu 21/12/2024 FORGES (17) @ Salle des Fêtes SACRES HÉROS - Spectacle Jeunesse avec Emmanuelle Marquis (Comédienne) & Fabrice Bony (Musique) - Cie Carré Blanc Sur Fond Bleu _________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ 2023 13/01/2023 SURGERES (17) @ Collège Hélène de Fonsèque SACRES HÉROS - Spectacle Jeunesse avec Emmanuelle Marquis (Comédienne) & Fabrice Bony (Musique) 16/01/2023 ROCHEFORT (17) @ Conservatoire de Musique et Danse - Auditorium Master Class Fabrice Bony & Marc Niess 27/01/2023 ROCHEFORT (17) @ Conservatoire de Musique et Danse - Auditorium Conc ert Fabrice Bon y & Marc Niess - Nuit des Conservatoires 2023 à 21h 29/01/2023 SERRES - Puy du Lac (17) @ Chez Luc Martin Concert Fabrice Bony & Marc Niess à 16h 05, 06 & 07 ROCHEFORT (17) @ La Boite 04/2023 Résidence artistique avec la Cie Les Journaliers - Création du Spectacle "Les Larmes du Monstre" 24/05/2023 LA GRIPPERIE ST SYMPHORIEN (17) @ Fête de la Nature - Réserve Naturelle de la Massonne (Reporté) Performance musique de Fabrice Bony & Saman tha Zaccarie 10/06/2023 ARCHINGEAY (17) @ L’Étable LES LARMES DU MONSTRE Nouvelle création de la Cie Les Journaliers avec Laure Thomas (Comédienne, Danse), Fabrice Bony (Musique) et Frédéric Sarezza (Mise en scène & Lumières) 17/06/2023 ROCHEFORT (17) @ Concert au Jardin Concert Fabrice Bony & Marc Niess à 20h30 24/06/2023 CRAZANNES (17) @ Galaxie des Pierres Levées (Inauguration) Performance Poissons-Pierres Laure Thomas & Frédéric Sarezza (Danse) + Fabrice Bony (Musique) 26 /07/2023 SOUBISE (17) @ Mercredis du Jazz Concert Fabrice Bony & Marc Niess - Mercredis du Jazz 2023 à 19h 30/ 07/2023 ARCHINGEAY (17) @ L’Étable DEPAYSAGES SONORES avec le duo BONY and CLAIRE - Concert / Performance à 17h30 16/09/2023 EINSENACH (ALLEMAGNE) @ Jazz Club Concert Muddy Gur dy avec Tia Gouttebel (Guitare / Chant), Gilles Chabenat (Vielle à Roue) & Fabrice Bony (Batterie / Percussions) 30/09/2023 LA GRIPPERIE ST SYMPHORIEN (17) @ Dans tous les Sens - Réserve Naturelle de la Massonne Découverte sensorielle et paysage sonore, au son de nos pas et au fil de l’eau… De 10h à 12h30 Accompagnée de Samantha Zaccarie et de Fabrice Bony, artistes, chorégraphes et musiciens, pour réveiller notre part animale… 03/10/2023 ROUEN (76) @ Le 106 Concert Muddy Gurdy avec Tia Gouttebel (Guitare / Chant), Gilles Chabenat (Vielle à Roue) & Fabrice Bony (Batterie / Percussions) 14 /1 0/2023 ROCHEFORT (17) @ Musée Hèbre de St Clément - Loti 2023 "Japoneries d'Automne" Avec Kaori Asahiro (danse), Fabrice Bony & S atoru Kita (musique), Catherine Jamain (lecture) & Samantha Zaccarie (direction artistique) Du 16 /10 au NOUVELLE ORLEANS - LOUISIANE (USA ) 30/10/2023 Tournage & Enregistrement du nouvel album de Muddy Gurdy avec Tia Gouttebel (Guitare / Chant), Gilles Chabenat (Vielle à Roue) & Fabrice Bony (Batterie / Percussions) 27/10/2023 NOUVELLE ORLEANS (USA) @ Isabelle Jacopin's Gallery Concert Muddy Gurdy avec Tia Gouttebel (Guitare / Chant), Gilles Chabenat (Vielle à Roue) & Fabrice Bony (Batterie / Percussions) 28 /10/2023 NOUVELLE ORLEANS (USA) @ Broadside Theater Concert Muddy Gurdy avec Tia Gouttebel (Guitare / Chant), Gilles Chabenat (Vielle à Roue) & Fabrice Bony (Batterie / Percussions) 2 4 /11/2023 BIALYSTOK (POLOGNE) @ Jesien z bluesem Concert Muddy Gurdy avec Tia Gouttebel (Guitare / Chant), Gilles Chabenat (Vielle à Roue) & Fabrice Bony (Batterie / Percussions) 03 /12/2023 LES NOUILLERS (17) @ La Soupe aux Chails Performance avec Gio Ju (Danse) + Samantha Zaccarie (Chant & guimbarde) + Fabrice Bony (Psaltérion) 08/12/2023 ROCHEFORT (17) @ Musée Hêbre de St Clément - Loti 2023 "La Reine des Épouvantements " Avec Gio Ju (danse) + Emmanuelle Marquis (lecture) + Fabrice Bony (musique) + Samantha Zaccarie (direction artistique) _________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ 2022 26/03/2022 SAINT-GEORGES DES COTEAUX (17) @ Médiathèque À LA RECHERCHE DE PABLO Spectacle jeunesse avec Emmanuelle Marquis (Comédienne) & Fabrice Bony (Musique) - Cie Carré Blanc Sur Fond Bleu Représentation à 17h00 22/05/2022 SAINT-CLÉMENT DES BALEINES - ILE DE RÉ (17) @ Journée internationale de la Biodiversité Concert Lithophonic de Fabrice Bony / Exposition de Marie Schuch, sculptrice 27/06/2022 ROCHEFORT (17) 28/06/2022 Sessions d'enregistrement Batterie pour le nouvel album de l'artiste nantais Akamatsu 02/07/2022 ARCHINGEAY (17) @ l’Étable Performance Êtres DeBoue + Fabrice Bony & Samantha Claire Zaccarie (Musique) 20/07/2022 SAINT-MARTIN EN RÉ - ILE DE RÉ (17) @ Parc de la Barbette À LA RECHERCHE DE PABLO Spectacle jeunesse avec Emmanuelle Marquis (Comédienne) & Fabrice Bony (Musique) - Cie Carré Blanc Sur Fond Bleu Du 28/07/22 BOURCEFRANC-LE-CHAPUS (17) @ La Voilerie au 30/07/22 Résidence de Création Musique avec le duo Fabrice Bony & Marc Niess 31/07/2022 BOURCEFRANC-LE-CHAPUS (17) @ La Voilerie Concert Fabrice Bony & Marc Niess 18/09/2022 JONZAC (17) @ Journée Européenne du Patrimoine Performance Poissons-Pierres Laure Thomas & Frédéric Sarezza (Danse) + Fabrice Bony (Musique) 24/09/2022 CASTILLON LA BATAILLE (33) @ Les Bobards - Espace Culturel Performance Poissons-Pierres Laure Thomas & Frédéric Sarezza (Danse) + Fabrice Bony (Musique) 25/09/2022 TONNAY-CHARENTE (17) @ Pont Suspendu Concert Sauvage Fabrice Bony & Marc Niess à 17h 01/10/2022 ARCHINGEAY (17) @ l’Étable (Reporté) Concert Fabrice Bony & Marc Niess Du 02/10/22 LA GRIPPERIE SAINT-SYMPHORIEN (17) @ Réserve Naturelle Régionale de la Massonne au 09/10/22 Résidence artistique LES VEILLEURS DE VENTS "Réensauvager le Monde" 3ème édition 29/10/2022 ARCHINGEAY (17) @ L’Étable PETITES FABULATIONS SUR LA MORT - Performance avec Frédéric Sarezza, Laure Thomas et Fabrice Bony (Musique) 16/11/2022 ST JEAN D'ANGLE (17) @ Salle des fêtes À LA RECHERCHE DE PABLO Spectacle jeunesse avec Emmanuelle Marquis (Comédienne) & Fabrice Bony (Musique) - Cie Carré Blanc Sur Fond Bleu 19/11/2022 LES NOUILLERS (17) @ La Soupe aux Chails Concert Fabrice Bony & Marc Niess Du 05/12/22 RENNES (35) @ Les Ateliers du Vent au 07/12/22 Résidence artistique avec l'artiste nantais AKAMATSU 08/12/2022 RENNES (35) @ Les Ateliers du Vent Concert avec AKAMATSU ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 2021 27/03/2021 SAINTES (17) @ Médiathèque A LA RECHERCHE DE PABLO avec Emmanuelle Marquis (Comédienne) & Fabrice Bony (Musique). 20/04/2021 ROCHEFORT (17) @ Studios Alhambra Enregistrement studio 21/04/2021 ROCHEFORT (17) @ Studios Alhambra Enregistrement studio 22/04/2021 ROCHEFORT (17) @ Studios Alhambra Enregistrement studio 29/05/2021 ARCHINGEAY (17) @ L'Etable Performance avec Kaori Asahiro (Danse) + Satoru Kita (Saxophones) + Cie Les Journaliers + Samantha Zaccarie + Fabrice Bony 30/05/2021 ARCHINGEAY (17) @ L'Etable Performance avec Kaori Asahiro (Danse) + Satoru Kita (Saxophones) + Cie Les Journaliers + Samantha Zaccarie + Fabrice Bony 19/06/2021 ARCHINGEAY (17) @ L'Etable ÊTRES DEBOUE - Performance Cie Les Journaliers + Fabrice Bony (Psaltérion, looper) 23/06/2021 SAINT JEAN D'ANGELY (17) @ Musée Micro-folie GRANDIR - Spectacle Jeunesse avec Emmanuelle Marquis (Comédienne). B.O. Musique originale de Fabrice Bony 26/06/2021 MIGRON (17) @ Salle des Fêtes A LA RECHERCHE DE PABLO avec Emmanuelle Marquis (Comédienne) & Fabrice Bony (Musique) - Cie Carré Blanc Sur Fond Bleu Représentation à 10h30 04/07/2021 ARCHINGEAY (17) @ L'Etable Nouvelle création LES LARMES DU MONSTRE avec Laure Thomas (Actrice/danse), Cie Les Journaliers + Fabrice Bony (Musique) Mise en scène de Frédéric Sarezza. 07/07/2021 SAINT SATURNIN (17) @ Site Archéologique GRANDIR - Spectacle Jeunesse avec Emmanuelle Marquis (Comédienne). B.O. Musique originale de Fabrice Bony 10/07/2021 SURGERES (17) @ Médiathèque GRANDIR - Spectacle Jeunesse avec Emmanuelle Marquis (Comédienne). B.O. Musique originale de Fabrice Bony 14/07/2021 SAINT-DENIS (93) @ TGP / Théâtre Gérard Philippe - Centre Dramatique National de Seine-Saint-Denis - Réservation A LA RECHERCHE DE PABLO avec Emmanuelle Marquis (Comédienne) & Fabrice Bony (Musique) - Cie Carré Blanc Sur Fond Bleu Représentation à 16h00 15/07/2021 SAINT-DENIS (93) @ TGP / Théâtre Gérard Philippe - Centre Dramatique National de Seine-Saint-Denis - Réservation A LA RECHERCHE DE PABLO avec Emmanuelle Marquis (Comédienne) & Fabrice Bony (Musique) - Cie Carré Blanc Sur Fond Bleu Représentations à 10h30 & 16h00 16/07/2021 SAINT-DENIS (93) @ TGP / Théâtre Gérard Philippe - Centre Dramatique National de Seine-Saint-Denis - Réservation A LA RECHERCHE DE PABLO avec Emmanuelle Marquis (Comédienne) & Fabrice Bony (Musique) - Cie Carré Blanc Sur Fond Bleu Représentations à 10h30 & 16h00 24/07/2021 ARCHINGEAY (17) @ L'Etable LES METAMORPHOSES avec Cie Les Journaliers (Théâtre gestuel) + Samantha Zaccarie & Fabrice Bony (Musique) 11/09/2021 ARCHINGEAY (17) @ L'Etable LES METAMORPHOSES avec Cie Les Journaliers (Théâtre gestuel) + Samantha Zaccarie & Fabrice Bony (Musique) 19/09/2021 JONZAC (17) ÊTRES DEBOUE - Performance Cie Les Journaliers + Fabrice Bony (Musique) 25/09/2021 PERIGNY (17) @ Médiathèque GRANDIR - Spectacle Jeunesse avec Emmanuelle Marquis (Comédienne). B.O. Musique originale de Fabrice Bony 01/10/2021 MARENNES (17) @ Médiathèque SACRES HEROS - Spectacle Jeunesse avec Emmanuelle Marquis (Comédienne) & Fabrice Bony (Musique) 02/10/2021 ARCHINGEAY (17) @ L'Etable LES LARMES DU MONSTRE avec Laure Thomas (Actrice/danse), Cie Les Journaliers + Fabrice Bony (Musique) Mise en scène de Frédéric Sarezza. 13/10/2021 CENON (33) @ Le Rocher de Palmer Avec ANGE , tournée des 50 ans & MIRA CETII Fabrice Bony (Batterie & Lithophones) 30/10/2021 ARCHINGEAY (17) @ L'Etable PETITES FABULATIONS SUR LA MORT - Performance avec Frédéric Sarezza, Laure Thomas et Fabrice Bony (Musique) 31/10 /2021 ARCHINGEAY (17) @ L'Etable PETITES FABULATIONS SUR LA MORT - Performance avec Frédéric Sarezza, Laure Thomas et Fabrice Bony (Musique) 26/11/2021 GÖTEBORG (SUEDE) @ 3 Våningen IN THE FLESH - Performance Live de la Cie SU-EN BUTOH DANCE avec la B.O. Musique de Fabrice Bony aux Lithophones 27/11/2021 GÖTEBORG (SUEDE) @ 3 Våningen IN THE FLESH - Performance Live de la Cie SU-EN BUTOH DANCE avec la B.O. Musique de Fabrice Bony aux Lithophones 19/12 /2021 CLAVETTE (17) @ Salle des Fêtes A LA RECHERCHE DE PABLO avec Emmanuelle Marquis (Comédienne) & Fabrice Bony (Musique) - Cie Carré Blanc Sur Fond Bleu Représentation à 15h30 C ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 2020 17/01/2020 PERIGNY (17) @ Nuit de la Lecture Avec Emmanuelle Marquis (Lecture) + Fabrice Bony (Musique). Création Cie Carré Blanc sur Fond Bleu. 31/01/2020 PARIS (75) @ Trianon Les 50 ans de ANGE 01/02/2020 PARIS (75) @ Trianon Les 50 ans de ANGE 16/02/2020 BERGERAC (24) @ Rocksane Avec Ange, invité (Lithophones , batterie & percussions) 07/03/2020 RODEZ (12) @ La Menuiserie Vernissage / Concert Fabrice Bony + Satoru Kita (Saxophones) 01/05/2020 ARCHINGEAY (17) @ Les Fabulations de Printemps (Reporté) Performance avec Frédéric Sarezza, Laure Thomas et Fabrice Bony (Musique) 02/05/2020 ARCHINGEAY (17) @ Les Fabulations de Printemps (Reporté) Performance avec Frédéric Sarezza, Laure Thomas et Fabrice Bony (Musique) 08/05/2020 ARCHINGEAY (17) @ Les Fabulations de Printemps (Reporté) Performance avec Frédéric Sarezza, Laure Thomas et Fabrice Bony (Musique) 15/05/2020 PERIGUEUX (24) @ Cathédrale St Front (Reporté) Fabrice Bony (Lithophones & percussions) + Erik Gonthier (Pierres Préhistoriques) + Uriel Valadeau (Orgue) 31/05/2020 BRATS INDIE MUSIC HOME FESTIVAL Invité par Mira Cétii - Fabrice Bony (Lithophone) 08/07/2020 ST MAURICE DE VENTALON (48) @ Le Tronc Duo Samantha Zaccarie & Fabrice Bony 24/07/2020 ARCHINGEAY (17) @ L'Etable Samantha Zaccarie & Fabrice Bony (Musique) + Laure Thomas & Frédéric Sarezza (Danse) 25/07/2020 ARCHINGEAY (17) @ L'Etable Samantha Zaccarie & Fabrice Bony (Musique) + Laure Thomas & Frédéric Sarezza (Danse) 06/08/2020 LA LAIGNE (17) @ La Mazraa Samantha Zaccarie & Fabrice Bony (Musique) + Laure Thomas & Frédéric Sarezza (Danse) 08/08/2020 ARCAY (79) @ Les Teurtous Performance Poissons-Pierres Laure Thomas & Frédéric Sarezza (Danse) + Fabrice Bony (Musique) 28/08/2020 FOURAS (17) @ Festival des Rencontres Nomades Samantha Zaccarie & Fabrice Bony (Musique) 14/09/2020 ROCHEFORT (17) @ Studio Alhambra Enregistrement série documentaire Arte avec le compositeur Renaud Barbier. 15/09/2020 ROCHEFORT (17) @ Studio Alhambra Enregistrement série documentaire Arte avec le compositeur Renaud Barbier. 19/09/2020 CHATEAU D'OLERON (17) @ Dolmen d'Ors (Journée du Patrimoine) Performance avec les Êtres DeBoue, Cie Les Journaliers + Fabrice Bony + Marc Niess 20/09/2020 PUYROLLAND (17) @ Vers l'Eglise Performance Poissons-Pierres Laure Thomas & Frédéric Sarezza (Danse) + Fabrice Bony (Musique) 09/10/2020 SURGERES (17) @ Lecture musicale Avec Emmanuelle Marquis (Lecture) + Fabrice Bony (Musique). Création Cie Carré Blanc sur Fond Bleu. 31/10/2020 ARCHINGEAY (17) @ Fête des Morts Performance avec Frédéric Sarezza, Laure Thomas et Fabrice Bony (Musique) 01/11/2020 ARCHINGEAY (17) @ Fête des Morts Performance avec Frédéric Sarezza, Laure Thomas et Fabrice Bony (Musique) ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 2019 26/01/2019 DOLUS D'OLERON (17) @ Festival "Vieux" Talents en Scène, Salle des Fêtes Concert Fabrice Bony & Marc Niess Du 09/02/2019 JAPAN TOUR avec Luli + Serendipity au 09/03/2019 Concerts / Performances avec Tomoo Nagai + Fabrice Bony + Samantha Zaccarie + Serendipity (Miho Namatame & Frédéric Viennot) 15/02/2019 TOKYO (Japon) @ Koendori Classics, Shibuya Concerts / Performances avec Tomoo Nagai + Fabrice Bony + Samantha Zaccarie + Serendipity (Miho Namatame & Frédéric Viennot) 17/02/2019 KOBE (Japon) @ Kazemai Theater Concerts / Performances avec Tomoo Nagai + Fabrice Bony + Samantha Zaccarie + Butoh Dancer Masayuki Sumi 20/02/2019 HIROSHIMA (Japon) @ Log Concerts / Performances avec Tomoo Nagai + Fabrice Bony + Samantha Zaccarie 07/03/2019 TOKYO (Japon) @ Kagurazaka, U-ma Concerts / Performances avec Tomoo Nagai + Fabrice Bony + Samantha Zaccarie + Serendipity (Miho Namatame & Frédéric Viennot) 13/03/2019 LA COUARDE SUR MER - ILE DE RE (17) @ Festival Les P'tits s'réveillent / A la Recherche de Pablo Emmanuelle Marquis (Comédienne) + Fabrice Bony (Musique) + Frédéric Sarezza (Mise en scène) 14/03/2019 LES PORTES EN RE - ILE DE RE (17) @ Festival Les P'tits s'réveillent / A la Recherche de Pablo Emmanuelle Marquis (Comédienne) + Fabrice Bony (Musique) + Frédéric Sarezza (Mise en scène) Du 18/03/2019 ROCHEFORT (17) @ Résidence CARO / A la Recherche de Pablo au 22/03/2019 Emmanuelle Marquis (Comédienne) + Fabrice Bony (Musique) + Frédéric Sarezza (Mise en scène) 25/03/2019 ST DENIS D'OLERON (17) @ Ecole / A la Recherche de Pablo Emmanuelle Marquis (Comédienne) + Fabrice Bony (Musique) + Frédéric Sarezza (Mise en scène) 26/03/2019 ST SORNIN (17) @ Salle des Fêtes / A la Recherche de Pablo Emmanuelle Marquis (Comédienne) + Fabrice Bony (Musique) + Frédéric Sarezza (Mise en scène) 06/04/2019 CABARIOT (17) @ Sortie de résidence CARO / A la Recherche de Pablo Emmanuelle Marquis (Comédienne) + Fabrice Bony (Musique) + Frédéric Sarezza (Mise en scène) 11/04/2019 ST TROJAN-LES-BAINS (17) @ Foyer Départemental Lannelongue Création live d'une bande son improvisée de Fabrice Bony lors de la projection du film de Manu Gouionnet sur la Cie Les Journaliers 09/05/2019 BOURCEFRANC-LE-CHAPUS (17) @ Lycée de la Mer Performance avec les Poissons-Pierres + Fabrice Bony (Musique) 18/05/2019 LES EYZIES (24) @ Musée National de la Préhistoire (Nuit Européenne des Musées) Concert Lithophonic Fabrice Bony accompagné par les projections monumentales d'Olivier Crouzel 24/05/2019 ROCHEFORT (17) @ Studios Alhambra Enregistrement avec le Duo Fabrice Bony & Marc Niess + Karine Delage (Violoncelle) 04/06/2019 ROCHEFORT (17) @ Studios Alhambra Enregistrement B.O. série documentaire d'Arte Tv avec le compositeur Renaud Barbier 05/06/2019 MARENNES (17) @ Médiathèque / A la Recherche de Pablo Emmanuelle Marquis (Comédienne) + Fabrice Bony (Musique) + Frédéric Sarezza (Mise en scène) 06/06/2019 ROCHEFORT (17) @ Studios Alhambra Enregistrement B.O. série documentaire d'Arte Tv avec le compositeur Renaud Barbier 11/06/2019 ST SAVINIEN (17) @ Maison de l'Enfance / A la Recherche de Pablo Emmanuelle Marquis (Comédienne) + Fabrice Bony (Musique) + Frédéric Sarezza (Mise en scène) 12/06/2019 JONZAC (17) @ Médiathèque de Haute-Saintonge / A la Recherche de Pablo Emmanuelle Marquis (Comédienne) + Fabrice Bony (Musique) + Frédéric Sarezza (Mise en scène) 18/06/2019 MATHA (17) @ Médiathèque / A la Recherche de Pablo Emmanuelle Marquis (Comédienne) + Fabrice Bony (Musique) + Frédéric Sarezza (Mise en scène) 04/07/2019 ROCHEFORT (17) @ Studios Alhambra Enregistrement B.O. série documentaire d'Arte Tv avec le compositeur Renaud Barbier 07/07/2019 MORTAGNE-SUR-GIRONDE (17) @ Marché Producteurs Bio Performance avec les Poissons-Pierres + Fabrice Bony & Marc Niess. 12/07/2019 DOLUS D'OLERON (17) @ Théâtre d'Ardoise - Estivases 2019 Performance avec les Êtres DeBoue + Fabrice Bony & Marc Niess. 23/07/2019 ST GEORGES DES BOIS (17) @ Médiathèque / A la Recherche de Pablo Emmanuelle Marquis (Comédienne) + Fabrice Bony (Musique) + Frédéric Sarezza (Mise en scène) 26/07/2019 ECHILLAIS (17) @ Bois du Chay - Autour de Claude Margat Lecture Musicale avec Marie Acquaviva (Lecture) + Fabrice Bony (Musique) 01/08/2019 ST MARTIN DE RE (17) @ Musée / A la Recherche de Pablo Emmanuelle Marquis (Comédienne) + Fabrice Bony (Musique) + Frédéric Sarezza (Mise en scène) 11/08/2019 LA LAIGNE (17) @ La Mazraa Concert Fabrice Bony & Marc Niess + Performance avec les Poissons-Pierres 30/08/2019 MELLE (79) @ Nuit de St Hilaire, Eglise Concert Lithophonic Fabrice Bony 14/09/2019 ARCHINGEAY (17) @ Fête de la Petite Lumière Concert Lithophonic Fabrice Bony 21/09/2019 ILE D'OLERON (17) @ Grand Dolmen Performance avec les Poissons-Pierres + Fabrice Bony (Musique) 02/11/2019 ARCHINGEAY (17) @ Fête des Morts, Fête de la Vie Performance avec Frédéric Sarezza, Laure Thomas et Fabrice Bony (Musique) 15/11/2019 LA REOLE (33) @ Festival de l'Orgue Concert Lithophonic Fabrice Bony 02/12/2019 ST PORCHAIRE (17) @ Maison de l'Enfance / A la Recherche de Pablo Emmanuelle Marquis (Comédienne) + Fabrice Bony (Musique) + Frédéric Sarezza (Mise en scène) 03/12/2019 ST PORCHAIRE (17) @ Maison de l'Enfance / A la Recherche de Pablo Emmanuelle Marquis (Comédienne) + Fabrice Bony (Musique) + Frédéric Sarezza (Mise en scène) 04/12/2019 St GERMAIN DE MARENCENNES (17) @ Cdc / A la Recherche de Pablo Emmanuelle Marquis (Comédienne) + Fabrice Bony (Musique) + Frédéric Sarezza (Mise en scène) 20/12/2019 LA ROCHELLE (17) @ Médiathèque Michel Crépeau / A la Recherche de Pablo Emmanuelle Marquis (Comédienne) + Fabrice Bony (Musique) + Frédéric Sarezza (Mise en scène) 21/12/2019 LA ROCHELLE (17) @ Médiathèque Michel Crépeau / A la Recherche de Pablo Emmanuelle Marquis (Comédienne) + Fabrice Bony (Musique) + Frédéric Sarezza (Mise en scène) _______________________________________________________________________________________________ 2018 Du 22/12/2017 GARDUR (Islande) @ Biennale Internationale Fresh Winds au 14/01/2018 Résidence artistique Internationale. 31/03/2018 ARS EN RE (17) @ M'ART ET SALANT (Erasmus Student Network la Rochelle) Performance avec les Êtres DeBoue, Cie Les Journaliers + Fabrice Bony (Lithophones) 05/05/2018 ANGOULINS (17)@ La Pointe du Chay Performance avec les Êtres DeBoue, Cie Les Journaliers + Fabrice Bony (Lithophones) & Marc Niess (Trompette) 30/06/2018 ST CYBARDEAUX (16) @ Festival Les Sarabandes Performance avec les Êtres DeBoue, Cie Les Journaliers + Fabrice Bony (Lithophones) + Samantha Zaccarie (Chant, guimbardes) 11/07/2018 LARCHANT (77) @ Festival du Patrimoine de Seine et Marne Randonnée nocturne et musicale A la recherche des Sons Performance lithophonic solo Fabrice Bony. Du 22/08 au NAGANO / OMACHI (Japon) @ Shinano Primitive Sense Art Festival 04/09/2018 Résidence artistique internationale. 08/09/2018 PORT D'ENVAUX (17) @ Les Lapidiales Performance Lithophonic avec la conteuse franco-vietnamienne Hélène Phung . Du 24/09 au ARS EN RE (17) Résidence artistique pour le spectacle A la Recherche de Pablo. 28/09/2018 Création avec la comédienne Emmanuelle Marquis & le metteur en scène Frédéric Sarezza 24/11/2018 LES NOUILLERS (17) @ La Soupe aux Chails Concert Duo Fabrice Bony & Marc Niess _______________________________________________________________________________________________ 2017 21/01/2017 ROCHEFORT (17) @ Théâtre de la Coupe d'Or Concert solo Lithophonic + guest avec Christian et Tristan Décamps 09/05/2017 ROCHEFORT (17) @ Musée Hêbre de St Clément Fabrice Bony + Tomoo Nagai, Catherine Jamain, Miyuki Kido & Samantha Zaccarie (Japoneries de Printemps) 11/05/2017 ECHILLAIS (17) @ Salle des Fêtes Fabrice Bony + Tomoo Nagai (Japoneries de Printemps) 12/05/2017 SAINT JEAN D'ANGLE (17) @ Eglise Fabrice Bony + Tomoo Nagai + Satoru Kita & La Cie Les Journaliers, les Êtres DeBoue (Cigogne en Fête) 13/05/2017 SAINT JEAN D'ANGLE (17) @ Eglise Fabrice Bony + Tomoo Nagai + Satoru Kita & La Cie Les Journaliers, les Êtres DeBoue (Cigogne en Fête) 20/05/2017 NOZAY (44) @ Eglise Fabrice Bony + Tomoo Nagai & Samantha Zaccarie 29/08/2017 DOLUS D'OLERON (17) @ La Baudissière Festival O! Les Rues Performance Êtres DeBoue (Cie Les Journaliers) + Fabrice Bony (lithophone) + Satoru Kita (saxophones) 09/09/2017 PORT D'ENVAUX (17) @ Les Lapidiales Fête des Cultures Amérindiennes. - Fabrice Bony (lithophone) + Domingo Cisneros (Auteur, poête & plasticien mexicain) 16/09/2017 BORDS (17) @ Médiathèque Performance Fabrice Bony (lithophone) + Sylvie Forcioli (Atelier de la petite Lumière) 08/10/2017 EGUILLE-SUR-SEUDRE (17) @ Sentier des Arts Performance avec les Êtres DeBoue, Cie Les Journaliers + Fabrice Bony (Lithophones) 14/10/2017 LA GRIPPERIE ST SYMPHORIEN (17) @ Réserve Naturelle Régionale la Massonne Performance Lithophonic 15/10/2017 LA GRIPPERIE ST SYMPHORIEN (17) @ Réserve Naturelle Régionale la Massonne Performance Lithophonic 18/11/2017 NOUILLERS (17) @ Café Associatif La Soupe aux Chails Concert Lithophonic Fabrice Bony + Samantha Zaccarie Du 22/12/2017 GARDUR (ISLANDE) @ Biennale Internationale Fresh Winds au 14/01/2018 Résidence artistique Internationale. _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 2016 26/06/2016 MARENNES D'OLERON (17) @ La Cayenne, If-Lab Performance avec les Êtres DeBoue 10/09/2016 PORT D'ENVAUX (17) @ Les Lapidiales avec Josephine Bacon (Poétesse Innu) et Andrée Levesque-Sioui (Chanteuse Wendake) 11/09/2016 PORT D'ENVAUX (17) @ Les Lapidiales avec Josephine Bacon (Poétesse Innu) et Andrée Levesque-Sioui (Chanteuse Wendake) 27/09/2016 SHIZUOKA (Japon) @ Choosy + Teppen TV SHOW (Luli) Fabrice Bony + Tomoo Nagai + Samantha Zaccarie 30/09/2016 SHIZUOKA (Japon) @ Design College (Luli) Fabrice Bony + Tomoo Nagai + Samantha Zaccarie 01/10/2016 SHIZUOKA (Japon) @ Naturu (Luli) Fabrice Bony + Tomoo Nagai + Samantha Zaccarie 02/10/2016 SHIZUOKA (Japon) @ Sukuru (Luli) Fabrice Bony + Tomoo Nagai + Samantha Zaccarie 03/10/2016 SHIZUOKA (Japon) @ Snow Dolls Cafe (Luli) Fabrice Bony + Tomoo Nagai + Samantha Zaccarie 08/10/2016 TOKYO (Japon) @ Ove (Luli) Fabrice Bony + Tomoo Nagai + Samantha Zaccarie 14/10/2016 TOKYO (Japon) @ Koen Dori Classics (Luli + Serendipity) Fabrice Bony + Frédéric Viennot + Miho Namatame + Tomoo Nagai + Samantha Zaccarie 25/11/2016 ROCHEFORT (17) @ Temple Protestant Concert Lithophonic avec Nicolas Mainguet au sitar 17/12/2016 AIX EN PROVENCE (13) @ Bibliothèque Méjanes Espace Arts du Spectacle + Bibliothèque Li Campaneto Concert solo Lithophonic

  • Musique à l'image Fabrice Bony Compositeur Lithophoniste Batteur

    Musiques à l'image du compositeur Fabrice Bony Music to the image Musique à l'image Play Video Share Whole Channel This Video Facebook Twitter Pinterest Tumblr Copy Link Link Copied Now Playing SANS RIVAGES 15:29 Play Video Now Playing Minimal Waves - Fabrice Bony & Marc Niess (2019) 07:10 Play Video Now Playing Les Bulles de Savon Vivantes 03:47 Play Video 2012 ICELAND, ON THE SHORES OF THE REEL 52 mins Film by Samantha Claire Zaccarie Music: Fabrice Bony The film " ICELAND, ON THE SHORES OF THE REEL "Was presented on April 14, 2011 at the Ganges media library (34) as part of the" media library Thursday ". During the screening of the film, accompanied by Patrice Soletti on the prepared Guitar and Samantha Claire Zaccarie on the video, we played live on the images, I used a drums, a piano, a lithophone and a psaltery. Facebook Twitter Pinterest Tumblr Copy Link Link Copied 2006 WITHOUT SHORELINES 15:29 min Film by Elodie Lefebvre Music: Fabrice Bony Strangeness of the nested bodies, which impose a slow and persistent rhythm, blocks of stones in movement. A surf, a push, the slowness pushed further. The sound takes us on an endless journey. Passing through sounds close to the East, Africa, the Americas, he reveals the wandering of these bodies without refuges. 2006 THE THREAT 14:36 min Music and sound installation: Fabrice Bony This soundtrack was presented at the IUFM in Toulouse during the exhibition " Variations on the same floor »By artist Anouck Durand-Gasselin which took place in June 2006 and in September 2006 during Heritage Days. Broadcast in double stereo in a natural environment. This composition is built on three alerts going in crescendo. Plan of the exhibition by Anouck Durand-Gasselin Variations on the same floor

  • Presse Fabrice Bony Compositeur Lithophoniste Batteur

    Articles de presse Fabrice Bony compositeur batteur et lithophoniste HURRY

  • Recording Fabrice Bony Compositeur Lithophoniste Batteur

    Tous les enregistrements de Fabrice Bony. E RECORDINGS Thorin le Dernier Néandertalien Renaud Barbier 2024 Musique originale, piano et programmations : Renaud Barbier Guitare et basse électrique : Benoit Medrykowski Lithophones : Fabrice Bony Akamatsu - Seminky (2024) Line Up Rémi Quéron : composer, piano, synths Fabrice Bony : drums Petr Tichý : double-bass Suzanne Fischer : cello Jono Heyes & Beehive : acoustic guitar Pauline Frémeau / Frehò : voice, clarinet Anna Romanovská Fliegerová : violin Anna Štěpánová : violin Benoist Foulonneau : flugelhorn, trombone, alto sax Annaïck Domergue : words and voice Cédric Le Guillerm : piano recordings, mixing consultant Cd paru le 26 septembre 2024 sur le label japonais Ricco Muddy Gurdy - Seven (2024) Line-Up : Tia Gouttebel : Guitare & Chant Gilles Chabenat : Vielle à Roue Fabrice Bony : Percussions & Choeurs Cd enregistré en Louisiane par Pierre Bianchi et Didier Lamaze. Paru le 6 septembre 2024 sur le label Buda Musique. Les Charmes du Dalaï Bougnat ANGE DVD Collector 2024 Unique témoignage audiovisuel de la tournée 1993 des "Larmes du Dalaï-Lama" Line-up : Christian Décamps : Chant, claviers & guitare folk Jean-Michel Brézovar : Guitares électriques & folk Robert Defer : Guitares électriques Daniel Haas : Basse Fabrice Bony : Batterie Francis Décamps : Claviers Gaudi le génie visionnaire de Barcelone Renaud Barbier 2022 Fabrice Bony - La Pierre tourne (2021) Album digital 7 titres. Musique à l'image. Aux Temps des Dinosaures 2021 Renaud Barbier Fabrice Bony : Lithophones Pas Si Bêtes ! Les Mystères de l'Oie (2021) Série documentaire ARTE réalisée par Samuel Guiton produit par Camera Lucida productions. Musique : Renaud Barbier Musiciens : Renaud Barbier : Piano, claviers & programmations Gilles Grivolla : Saxophones soprano, ténor & clarinette Fabrice Bony : Batterie, lithophones & percussions Benoit Médrykowski : Guitares, dobro & ukelele Enregistré par Mathieu Nappez aux studios Alhambras, Rochefort. Pas Si Bêtes ! Les Chèvres Savantes (2021) Série documentaire ARTE réalisée par Hervé Glabeck produit par Camera Lucida productions. Musique : Renaud Barbier Musiciens : Renaud Barbier : Piano, claviers & programmations Gilles Grivolla : Saxophones soprano, ténor & clarinette Fabrice Bony : Batterie, lithophones & percussions Benoit Médrykowski : Guitares, dobro & ukelele Enregistré par Mathieu Nappez aux studios Alhambras, Rochefort. Pas Si Bêtes ! Lapins, taillé pour survivre. (2021) Série documentaire ARTE réalisée par Hervé Glabeck produit par Camera Lucida productions. Musique : Renaud Barbier Musiciens : Renaud Barbier : Piano, claviers & programmations Gilles Grivolla : Saxophones soprano, ténor & clarinette Fabrice Bony : Batterie, lithophones & percussions Benoit Médrykowski : Guitares, dobro & ukelele Enregistré par Mathieu Nappez aux studios Alhambras, Rochefort. Loti Neko Echo Miyuki Kido & Samantha Zaccarie (2021) Ce film est une collaboration franco-japonaise afin de garder le lien entre artistes pendant la période de l'épidémie de covid. À travers les yeux de l'écrivain voyageur Pierre Loti et les yeux des chats, 3 artistes contemporains parcourt l'espace et le temps entre la France et le Japon. Miyuki Kido : Réalisation Films japonais Samantha Zaccarie : Réalisation Films français Fabrice Bony : Compositeur Musique & interprète Mira Cétii & Fabrice Bony Nuit Noire (2020) Mira Cétii alias Aurore Reichert Autrice, Compositrice, Interprète, Chant, Chœurs, Guitare & Danses. Fabrice Bony Compositeur, Interprète, Piano, Virtual Cello, Mellotron, Vibes, Percussions, Silex & Glockenspiel. ANGE - Trianon 2020 CD / DVD live. Enregistré au Trianon les 31 janvier & 1er février 2020. Métamorphoses Samantha Zaccarie & Fabrice Bony (2020) Confit Funky Samantha Zaccarie & Fabrice Bony (2020) Petit Pays Film d'Eric Barbier. 2020 Musique de Renaud Barbier Lithophones : Fabrice Bony Renaud Barbier Les Nouveaux Mondes Sauvages 2020 Composition, Piano & Programmations : Renaud Barbier Lithophone, Percussions & Binchotan : Fabrice Bony (29 titres) Les nouveaux mondes sauvages Zinave (Mozambique) 2019 Réalisée par Fred Febvre Produite par One Planet Musique originale : Renaud Barbier Lithophone et percussions : Fabrice Bony Les nouveaux mondes sauvages Tswalu (Afrique du Sud) 2019 Réalisée par Fred Febvre Produite par One Planet Musique originale : Renaud Barbier Lithophone et percussions : Fabrice Bony Les nouveaux mondes sauvages Ibera (Argentine) 2019 Réalisée par Fred Febvre Produite par One Planet Musique originale : Renaud Barbier Lithophone et percussions : Fabrice Bony Fabrice Bony et Marc Niess Live Concert 2019 Fabrice Bony - 7 + ∞ 2018 Ange Heureux 2018 Fabrice Bony compose la musique du Prologue de "Nancy-Jupiter à la Nage" Comme des sardines en boite 2017 Documentaire France3 Corse (52 minutes) réalisé par Thierry Aguila produit par Lardux Films. Musique : Renaud Barbier Lithophone & percussions : Fabrice Bony Diffusion le mardi 21 mars à 20h30 sur France 3 Corse / ViaStella Corniche Kennedy Film de Dominique Cabrera. 2017 Musique de Béatrice Thiriet Batterie : Fabrice Bony Fabrice Bony Lithophonic 2016 01 Lithophonic I (Opening) 4:32 02 Clapping Music* 5:08 03 Lithophonic II (Harmony) 3:58 04 AfroLith 4:19 05 Lithophonic III (Friction) 3:54 06 Lithophonic IV (Harmony) 4:23 07 Music for Pieces of Wood* 14:43 08 PsychedeLith 4:34 09 Lithophonic V (Closing) 4:04 Luli In The Middle of No Way 2016 1 Oceanic part 1 6:16 2 Oceanic part 2 6:57 3 Oceanic part 3 5:17 4 Slit Drum 7:14 5 Angels 4:22 6 Clapping Music 3:28 7 Volcanic Form 5:49 Renaud Barbier Quand Homo Sapiens faisait son Cinéma 2015 1. La Préhistoire du Cinéma (R.Barbier) 2:05 2. Ardèche ON (R.Barbier) 0:56 3. Patte Multiples (R.Barbier) 1:00 4. Grotte Chauvet (R.Barbier) 2:20 5. Le Cheval de Foz Coa (R.Barbier) 1:18 6. Mouvements décomposés (R.Barbier) 1:18 7. Animation (R.Barbier) 0:39 8. Validation du Mouvement (R.Barbier) 1:50 9. L’Ombre de l’Homme Bison (R.Barbier) 2:13 10. La Chasse des Lions (R.Barbier) 0:43 11. Stroboscopie (R.Barbier Fabrice Bony Inner Lands 2013 01 - Weird 04:07 02 - Isle of Shadows 06:45 03 - Premonition 01:26 04 - From Heart to Sky 08:00 05 - Native Land 14:29 06 - Obsession (Suite) 03:22 07 - Passenger of Life 08:03 08 - Sensual Waves 04:15 09 - Parade 05:04 10 - L.O.V.E. Hello Vie 05 :33 Rictus Candide 2013 2012 01. Jeté 03:22 02. Consillia Bulgare 04:37 03. Pangloss Pangloss 03:37 04. Autodafé 02:46 05. Cunégonde 03:06 06. La vieille 03:15 07. Singeries 04:35 08. Eldorado 03:59 09. Le nègre de Surinam 03:38 10. Sacré Martin 03:45 11. A Paris 05:15 12. L’Italie 02:14 13. Histoire de Pangloss 04:10 14. Cunélaide 03:53 15. Cultiver notre jardin 04:37 Samantha Zaccarie Islande, aux Rives du Réel 2012 Polly Maggoo Le Goût de l'Eau 2011 1 Cinq Doigts 03:24 2 Polly Maggoo 03:18 3 Electrocardiogramme 04:20 4 Je Tombe 03:04 5 Le Goût de l’Eau 04:17 6 Ceux des Autres 03:49 Fabrice Bony Between Day 2008 01 Birth 02:11 02 Thread of life 04:16 03 Trauma and coma 01:17 04 Introspection 03:34 05 Four birds as witnesses 04:23 06 Obsession 02:37 07 Between day 03:23 08 Call of the African constellation 05:05 09 Childhood memories 02:21 10 Infini journey 11:28 11 Back to the infini journey 00:28 12 Thread of life (continue) 00:55 Dorothée Daniel En haut des Peupliers 2007 01 – Au ventre du souvenir 02 – Je pars 03 – En haut des peupliers 04 – Filles ou voyous 05 – Tabula rasa 06 – Mon amour d’un siècle 07 – Madame Rosa (d’après « la vie devant soi » de Romain Gary) 08 – Labyrinthe 09 – Clarence (d’après « les saisons de la nuit » de Colum Mc Cann) 10 – Amèdée (d’après « Un de Bamugnes » de Jean Giono) 11 – Trois fois rien 12 – La vie en face 13 – Mon homme-lion Renaud Barbier L'Hôpital 2007 Elodie Lefêbvre Sans Rivages 2006 Anouck Durand-Gasselin La Menace 2006 Dorothée Daniel La Compagnie des Anges 2005 01 Souris Marie 02 La compagnie des anges 03 Lulu’s lullaby 04 Citron vert 05 Les herbes folles 06 La valse de Flo 07 Les jardins rougis 08 Lulu’s Lullaby 09 Bonnes vacances 10 Les mots pas beaux 11 Si tu savais 12 N’oublions rien 13 Mardi Rictus Rol 2005 1 Maria et Léo 2 Viens je t’emmène 3 Le grillon 4 Aujourd’hui tu t’en vas 5 Savourer la vie 6 C’est pas soleil tous les jours 7 Ernesto Massoud 8 Hirondelles 9 Autour d’un feu, la nuit Rosebud Blue Sauce The Dirty Deal 2005 01 It’s so hard 3.36 02 Low down dirty shame 4.47 03 The dirty deal 4.01 04 Papa ain’t salty 2.36 05 Depressed 7.59 06 Too late baby 4.10 07 In the supermarket 2.20 08 Please don’t go 3.19 09 Rock ya all night long ! 4.19 10 Let’s get high 2.36 11 My sweet Anne 5.57 12 B-bop swing 3.13 Ange Pêle Mêle 2003 01 Pêle-mêle 3.17 (nilvange 94) 02 Les plaisirs faciles 4.29 (clermont-fd 93) 03 Loïa 3.26 (mr dé 82) 04 Tous les tacos, les locos 10.19 (nilvange 94) 05 And so the rain will go away 5.40 (mandrin 77) 06 Saltimbanques 2.49 (les enfants de l’école Jacques Tati / Juin 2000) 07 Atlantis 4.53 (mandrin 77) 08 Le temps d’avant les larmes 3.22 (mr dé 82) 09 Les fous demandent un roi 2.28 (1ère maquette 83) 10 Fou 3.55 (impro acoustique spéciale convention 20 Rosebud Blue Sauce Yellow Fever 2003 01 Kansas city 4.14 02 Treat me with honesty 4.14 03 Lazybones 4.09 04 Angel child 5.48 05 Fats’ology 4.04 06 All this blues 4.57 07 I’m not your toy 4.17 08 You’re my best pillow 4.13 09 French courtier… 4.38 + Pirate bonus tracks 10 California stuff 11 You don’t have to go Rosebud Blue Sauce First Jump 2001 1 Kansas city 4.14 2 Treat me with honesty 4.14 3 Lazybones 4.09 4 Angel child 5.48 5 Fats’ology 4.04 6 All this blues 4.57 7 I’m not your toy 4.17 8 You’re my best pillow 4.13 9 French courtier… 4.38 Marcel Marcel 2001 1 Audrey 3.04 2 Maudite planète 3.18 3 Venise 3.52 4 Les nuits d’insomnie 3.23 Millénaire Troisième du Nom Fabrice Bony 2000 (Single) "Millénaire Troisième du Nom" 4:26 (Jean-Paul Diat / Fabrice Bony) "Impair et Passe" 4:04 (Patrice Patricot / Fabrice Bony) Patrice Patricot : Chant & Basse Fabrice Bony : Batterie électronique, guitares électriques & synthés Days of Rehearsal Fabrice Bony 1999 (Single) Days Of Rehearsal 5:20 (Fabrice Bony) Fabrice Bony : batterie électronique, basse, guitares électriques & synthés Lead vocal : free samples Mr Jo et ses Guras Vu à la Radio 1999 01 L’éléphantesque 4.00 02 Cool man 3.10 03 Hygiaphone 1.33 04 Lucifer blues 3.15 05 Harley Davidson 4.39 06 Tartines beurrées 2.47 07 Mic-mac 5.47 08 Comme un lézard 4.01 09 Lady chaos 3.41 10 Ma nénette 3.42 11 Gros Jo 7.37 12 Ca sent le chaud 0.12 13 Diégo 3.15 14 Super Dédé 3.03 15 Pervers 3.44 16 Je voudrais être noir 6.15 Rictus L'Instant Présent 1996 1 Bébé l’indien 5.18 2 Compter sur moi 4.33 3 Mélanger tout ça 4.38 4 L’instant qui passe 5.00 5 Java 0.24 6 La capranera 3.37 7 Toujours réinventer le blues 4.19 8 Burina trappo 1.42 9 Vendanges 6.22 Oil-Len Seahorse 1994 1 American nightmare 4.20 2 Jungle vision 5.27 3 Lord’s jam 5.08 4 Los babos 2.47 5 Forget the night 7.54 6 Immaculate 4.48 7 Seahorse 4.12 Shotgun Blues From Beyond the Blues 1992 Face A 01 Women 3:50 02 Hideaway ° 3:40 03 Stevie 9:20 04 Won’t feel bad 4:45 Face B 05 Mad shuffle 2:45 06 Red house + 7:10 07 Boogie babie 5:20 08 Little wing + 6:00 ° : Freddie King / + : Jimmy Hendrix 2021 - FABRICE BONY - The Stone Turns (BO / Cristal Publishing Release) 2021 - RENAUD BARBIER - In the time of the Dinosaurs (BO France TV / NHK) 2021 - RENAUD BARBIER - Pas Si Bêtes! (BO ARTE) 2021 - MIYUKI KIDO & SAMANTHA ZACCARIE - Loti Neko Echo (BO Film) 2020 - MIRA CETII & FABRICE BONY - Nuit Noire (Single) 2020 - ANGE - Trianon 2020 (DVD / CD Live) 2020 - SAMANTHA ZACCARIE & FABRICE BONY - Metamorphoses (EP Studio) 2020 - SAMANTHA ZACCARIE & FABRICE BONY - Confit Funky (Single) 2020 - RENAUD BARBIER - Small Country (BO Cinema) 2020 - RENAUD BARBIER - The New Wild Worlds (BO ARTE) 2019 - FABRICE BONY AND MARC NIESS - Live Concert (Live CD) 2018 - FABRICE BONY - 7 + ∞ (CD Studio) 2018 - ANGEL - Happy (CD Studio) 2017 - RENAUD BARBIER - Like Sardines in a Box (BO FRANCE 3) 2017 - BEATRICE THIRIET - Corniche Kennedy (BO Cinema) 2016 - FABRICE BONY - Lithophonic (CD Studio) 2016 - LULI - In The Middle of No Way (CD Studio) 2015 - RENAUD BARBIER - When Homo Sapiens made his cinema (BO ARTE) 2013 - FABRICE BONY - Inner Lands (CD Studio) 2013 - RICTUS - Candide 2013 (CD Studio) 2012 - SAMANTHA ZACCARIE - Iceland, Aux Rives du Réel (BO ) 2011 - POLLY MAGGOO - The Taste of Water (EP Studio) 2008 - FABRICE BONY - Between Day (CD Studio) 2007 - DOROTHEE DANIEL - On top of the Poplars (CD Studio) 2007 - RENAUD BARBIER - The Hospital (BO series TF1) 2006 - ELODIE LEFEBVRE - Sans Rivages (Soundtrack) 2006 - ANOUCK DURAND-GASSELIN - The Menace (Soundtrack) 2005 - DOROTHEE DANIEL - The Company of Angels (CD Studio) 2005 - RICTUS - Rol (CD Studio) 2005 - ROSEBUD BLUE SAUCE - The Dirty Deal (CD Studio) 2003 - ANGEL - Collage (Compilation CD) 2003 - ROSEBUD BLUE SAUCE - Yellow Fever (CD Studio) 2001 - ROSEBUD BLUE SAUCE - First Jump (CD Studio) 2001 - MARCEL - Marcel (EP Studio) 1999 - MR JO ET SES GURAS - Seen on the Radio (Live CD) 1996 - RICTUS - The Present Moment (CD Studio) 1994 - OIL-LEN - Seahorse (CD Studio) 1992 - SHOT GUN BLUES - From Beyond The Blues (Cassette)

  • Videos Fabrice Bony Compositeur Lithophoniste Batteur

    Voir les videos de Fabrice Bony, concerts, performances... VIDEOS L.O.V.E. (feat. Samantha Zaccarie, Patrice Patricot, Roland Brultey & Agnès Brice) Play Video CONFIT FUNKY - Samantha Zaccarie & Fabrice Bony (2020) Play Video Between Day - Fabrice Bony (2008) Play Video 7 + ∞ - Fabrice Bony Cd 2018 Play Video Fabrice Bony Video Watch Now Share Whole Channel This Video Facebook Twitter Pinterest Tumblr Copy Link Link Copied Share Channel Info Close Fabrice Bony - Concert Lithophonic - Ardoises / Anciens Collecteurs Huitres (2019) Play Video Minimal Waves - Fabrice Bony & Marc Niess (2019) Play Video Fabrice Bony - Frottements / Frictions (2019) Play Video MiRA CÉTii - "Cailloux & Météores" - en LIVE avec Fabrice Bony Play Video Fabrice Bony et les Lithophones Watch Now Share Whole Channel This Video Facebook Twitter Pinterest Tumblr Copy Link Link Copied Share Channel Info Sign in Close MUDDY GURDY - Live Le 106 Rouen - Les Nuits de l'Alligator 2024 Play Video Muddy Gurdy Louisiana Project - Teaser 1 (New Orleans) Play Video Muddy Gurdy Louisiana Project - Teaser 2 Lafayette Play Video Muddy Gurdy Louisiana Project - Teaser 3 Myrtle Place Play Video Muddy Gurdy Watch Now Share Whole Channel This Video Facebook Twitter Pinterest Tumblr Copy Link Link Copied Share Channel Info Sign in Close Nuit Noire - Mira Cétii & Fabrice Bony (2020) Play Video MiRA CÉTii - "Cailloux & Météores" - avec Fabrice Bony au lithophone ! Play Video MiRA CÉTii - "Cailloux & Météores" - en LIVE avec Fabrice Bony Play Video Mira Cetii Watch Now Share Whole Channel This Video Facebook Twitter Pinterest Tumblr Copy Link Link Copied Share Channel Info Close Akamatsu Live / Teaser 2023 Play Video Akamatsu / Synesthésie / Live aux Ateliers du Vent, 2022.12.08 Play Video Akamatsu / Cordata / Live aux Ateliers du Vent, Rennes, 2022.12.08 Play Video Akamatsu Watch Now Share Whole Channel This Video Facebook Twitter Pinterest Tumblr Copy Link Link Copied Share Channel Info Close Vu d'un chien (Live) Play Video Ange 1993 Les Temps Modernes Play Video Le ballon de billy (Live) Play Video Ange 1993 - Les Herbes Folles.avi Play Video ANGE Watch Now Share Whole Channel This Video Facebook Twitter Pinterest Tumblr Copy Link Link Copied Share Channel Info Close SANS RIVAGES Play Video Minimal Waves - Fabrice Bony & Marc Niess (2019) Play Video Les Bulles de Savon Vivantes Play Video Pour la Fête de ma Mère Play Video Musique à l'image Watch Now Share Whole Channel This Video Facebook Twitter Pinterest Tumblr Copy Link Link Copied Share Channel Info Sign in Close TOMOO NAGAI & FABRICE BONY LIVE (2015) Play Video Quasimodo - Christian et Tristan Décamps + guest Fabrice Bony (2017) Play Video Minimal Waves - Fabrice Bony & Marc Niess (2019) Play Video Nuit Noire - Mira Cétii & Fabrice Bony (2020) Play Video LULI videos Watch Now Share Whole Channel This Video Facebook Twitter Pinterest Tumblr Copy Link Link Copied Share Close

  • AKAMATSU | fabricebony

    Akamatsu Akamatsu Play Video Share Whole Channel This Video Facebook Twitter Pinterest Tumblr Copy Link Link Copied Search video... Now Playing Akamatsu Live / Teaser 2023 02:30 Play Video Now Playing Akamatsu / Synesthésie / Live aux Ateliers du Vent, 2022.12.08 05:25 Play Video Now Playing Akamatsu / Cordata / Live aux Ateliers du Vent, Rennes, 2022.12.08 04:41 Play Video

  • Cv Fabrice Bony Compositeur Lithophoniste Batteur

    Cv Fabrice Bony batteur compositeur lithophoniste Photo : Samantha Zaccarie Cv FABRICE BONY COMPOSITEUR, BATTEUR, GUITARISTE, LITHOPHONISTE, PRODUCTEUR, MUSICIEN INTERPRETE 2021 Cie CARRE BLANC SUR FOND BLEU SACRES HÉROS (Lecture musicale) Compositeur / Interprète / Guitare / Ordinateur 2021 FABRICE BONY LA PIERRE TOURNE (B.O. / Cristal Publishing Release) Compositeur / Interprète / Lithophones / Tous les instruments 2021 Cie LES JOURNALIERS LES LARMES DU MONSTRE (Création) Compositeur / Interprète / Guitare / Ordinateur 2021 RENAUD BARBIER AUX TEMPS DES DINOSAURES (B.O. France TV / NHK) Lithophones / Interprète 2021 RENAUD BARBIER PAS SI BETES ! (B.O. ARTE) Lithophones / Percussions / Batteur / Interprète 2021 MIYUKI KIDO, SAMANTHA ZACCARIE & FABRICE BONY LOTI NEKO ECHO (B.O. Film) Compositeur 2021 Cie CARRE BLANC SUR FOND BLEU GRANDIR (B.O. Spectacle jeunesse) Compositeur 2020 MIRA CETII & FABRICE BONY NUIT NOIRE (Single / Vidéo) Compositeur / Piano / Lithophone / Percussions 2020 Cie LES JOURNALIERS, SAMANTHA ZACCARIE & FABRICE BONY LES MÉTAMORPHOSES (Spectacle performance danse & musique) 2020 Cie CARRE BLANC SUR FOND BLEU FRAGMENTS DE VIE (Lecture musicale) Compositeur / Interprète 2020 SAMANTHA ZACCARIE & FABRICE BONY MÉTAMORPHOSES (EP Studio) Compositeur / Guitare / Psaltérion / Percussions 2020 SAMANTHA ZACCARIE & FABRICE BONY CONFIT FUNKY (Single / Vidéo) Compositeur / Interprète / Tous les instruments 2020 RENAUD BARBIER PETIT PAYS (B.O. du film d'Eric Barbier) Lithophoniste / Interprète 2020 RENAUD BARBIER LES NOUVEAUX MONDES SAUVAGES (Sortie B.O.) Lithophones / Percussions / Interprète 2020 ANGE LES 50 ANS au Trianon, Paris. Batteur / Interprète 2020 SU-EN BUTOH DANCE COMPANY , Suède. IN THE FLESH Compositions / Lithophones / Interprète 2019 RENAUD BARBIER LES NOUVEAUX MONDES SAUVAGES (série documentaire ARTE TV) Lithophones / Percussions / Interprète 2019 Cie LES JOURNALIERS PETITES FABULATIONS SUR LA MORT (Théâtre Gestuel / Performance) Percussions / Psaltérion 2019 Cie CARRE BLANC SUR FOND BLEU A LA RECHERCHE DE PABLO (Spectacle Jeunesse) Composition / Lithophones / Percussions 2019 Tournée au Japon avec LULI Tokyo, Kobe, Hiroshima... 2019 FABRICE BONY & MARC NIESS LIVE CONCERT (Cd Digital) Producteur / Compositeur / Batterie / Lithophone / Psaltérion / Interprète 2018 SHINANO PRIMITIVE SENSE ART FESTIVAL, Japon. Résidence Artistique Internationale 2018 FABRICE BONY 7 + ∞ (Cd) 4ᵉ album Producteur / Compositeur / Interprète 2018 ANGE HEUREUX (Cd) Compositeur 2017 FRESH WINDS, Islande. Résidence Artistique Internationale 2017 RENAUD BARBIER COMME DES SARDINES EN BOITES (B.O. Documentaire France 3) 2016 BEATRICE THIRIET CORNICHE KENNEDY . (B.O. du film de Dominique Cabrera – Cristal Records) 2016 Tournée LULI en France Mars 2016 et au Japon en sept-oct. 2016 Depuis 2016 Cie LES JOURNALIERS LES ÊTRES DE BOUE (Théâtre Gestuel / Performance live) Composition / Lithophoniste / Percussionniste 2016 LULI IN THE MIDDLE OF NO WAY (Cd) Compositeur / Guitare / Percussions / Lithophone 2016 FABRICE BONY (Musique minérale) LITHOPHONIC (Cd) 3ᵉ album Producteur / Compositeur / Lithophoniste 2015 Tournée au Japon avec LULI (Musique éthérée, expérimentale) avril 2015 2015 RENAUD BARBIER (Musique minérale) QUAND HOMO SAPIENS FAISAIT SON CINEMA (Documentaire ARTE) Compositeur / Lithophoniste 2015 SPIRALES EPHEMERES (Musique expérimentale) 2015 (Cd démo) Producteur / Compositeur / Musicien interprète 2014 Tourne et développe son groupe SPIRALES EPHEMERES (Musique improvisée & expérimentale) 2013 FABRICE BONY (Rock Progressif) INNER LANDS (Cd) 2ᵉ album . Producteur / Compositeur / Musicien interprète 2013 Résidence artistique Internationale D’Art et d’ailleurs - PONT DE MONTVERT (France) 2012 RICTUS (Pop-Rock) CANDIDE 2013 (Cd) Batteur / Interprète 2012 Projet solo live SPIRALES EPHEMERES et 1ère utilisation du lithophone (Minimaliste / Expérimentale) Compositeur 2011 POLLY MAGGOO (Pop-Rock) LE GOÛT DE L’EAU (Cd) Compositeur / Batteur / Interprète 2011 FRESH WINDS, Islande Résidence artistique internationale 2010 SAMANTHA ZACCARIE & JEAN-MARC PLESSY ISLANDE, AUX RIVES DU REEL (Création B.O. Film) Compositeur 2008 FABRICE BONY (Rock Progressif) BETWEEN DAY (Cd) 1er album solo Producteur / Compositeur / Musicien interprète 2007 RENAUD BARBIER L’HÔPITAL (Série TV – Tf1) Batteur / Interprète 2007 DOROTHEE DANIEL (Chanson française) EN HAUT DES PEUPLIERS (Cd) Batteur / Interprète 2007 Tourne avec LENNY LAFARGUE (Blues) Batteur / Interprète 2006 ELODIE LEFEBVRE SANS RIVAGES (Vidéo / Art contemporain) Compositeur 2006 ANOUCK DURAND-GASSELIN LA MENACE (Bande sonore / Installation / Art contemporain) Compositeur 2005 - 2007 Tourne avec TIA AND THE PATIENT WOLVES (Blues) Batteur / Interprète 2005 DOROTHEE DANIEL (Chanson française) LA COMPAGNIE DES ANGES (Cd) Batteur / Interprète 2005 - 2008 Tourne avec DOROTHEE DANIEL (Chanson française) Batteur / Interprète 2005 RICTUS (Pop-Rock) ROL (Cd) Batteur / Interprète 2005 ROSEBUD BLUE SAUCE (Jump Blues) THE DIRTY DEAL (Cd) Batteur / Interprète 2003 ANGE (Rock progressif) Pêle-mêle (Cd) Batteur / Interprète 2003 ROSEBUD BLUE SAUCE (Jump Blues) YELLOW FEVER (Cd) Batteur / Interprète 2001 ROSEBUD BLUE SAUCE (Jump Blues) FIRST JUMP (Cd) Batteur / Interprète 2001 MARCEL (Pop-Rock) MARCEL (Cd) Batteur / Interprète 2001 - 2005 Tourne avec ROSEBUD BLUE SAUCE (Jump Blues ) Batteur / Interprète 1999 MR JO ET SES GURAS (Rock) VU A LA RADIO (Cd live) Batteur / Interprète 1998 Rencontre NINO FERRER et commence l’enregistrement d’un album qui ne verra jamais le jour suite à son décès. 1997 - 1999 Tourne avec JOËL SEGURA (Rock) Batteur / Interprète 1996 RICTUS (Rock) L’INSTANT PRESENT (Cd) Batteur / Interprète 1995 Tourne avec QUICKSILVER BLUES BAND (Blues) Batteur / Interprète 1994 OIL-LEN (Hard-Rock) SEAHORSE (Cd) Batteur / Interprète 1994 Tourne avec WARREN CEASAR (Zydeco), LEE BENOIT (Cajun) & TOM CAT BLAKE (Blues) Batteur / Interprète 1993 ANGE (Rock Progressif) Tournée LES LARMES DU DALAÏ LAMA dont un concert à l’Olympia Batteur / Interprète 1992 SHOT GUN BLUES : Voyage, concerts à San Francisco (Usa) et 1ère partie de JOHN LEE HOOKER. Batteur / Interprète 1992 SHOT GUN BLUES (Blues) FROM BEYOND THE BLUES (Cassette) Batteur / Interprète 1991 Tourne avec FLYWAY (Hard-Rock FM) Batteur / Interprète 1991 Tourne avec AGORA. (Jazz-fusion) Batteur / Interprète 1990 - 1991 Cursus professionnel du C.M.C.N. (Centre Musical et Créatif de Nancy). Obtention du diplôme en Fusion et World Music Mention spéciale à l’unanimité avec les félicitations du Jury. 1989 Tourne avec HEMERA (Rock progressif) Compositeur / Batteur / Guitariste 1984 - 1988 Cours de batterie avec Claude Bongarzone (Ecole Dante Agostini), Gray (70) 1977 - 1983 1ers cours de batterie avec Philippe Rigoulot (Ecole Tama-Paiste), Gray (70)


    Ecoutez des extraits de Métamorphoses (Ep - 2020) S AMANTHA Z ACCARIE & F ABRICE B ONY Metamorphosis Ep 6 tracks, Released July 2020 All the compositions are by Samantha ZACCARIE & Fabrice BONY. Samantha ZACCARIE: Jew's harp , vocals, backing vocals & bells Fabrice BONY: Folk guitar, elven psaltery, bass tom, cymbals, shaker & backing vocals Photo / Cover: Samantha ZACCARIE Recorded at Lesson Home Studio , Rochefort (17) Sound recording: Fabrice BONY / Mixing: Fabrice BONY & Samantha ZACCARIE Mastering: Jean-Lou GIROLD - Studio Ajl-Rec, Dinozé (88) C ONFIT F UNKY " Let's be less crestfallen, let's take the funky bush!" The tube of (de) containment has (finally) arrived !!! Lyrics / Lyrics As the pathways of nervous system regulation are impenetrable and multiple, this is one of those we have taken in these particular times. Knowing that a good confit is the result of a subtle association between the time factor and good local ingredients, we hope that this formula will give you satisfaction (to obtain the recipe, please contact us in Mp). S AMANTHA Z ACCARIE : Author, performer, voice, choirs, recording, editing & video production. F ABRICE B ONY : Composer, performer, drums, bass, guitars, rhodes, synths, choirs, sound recording, mixing, recording & video editing. Recorded music and filming of the official music video at Lesson Home Studio , Rochefort (17) - France Release April 23, 2020 The Devil's Evening (Angel) Samantha Zaccarie: Vocals Fabrice Bony: Folk guitar & Lithophone April 13, 2020 Don't you doubt (Shannon Wright) Samantha Zaccarie: Voice & Bass Tom Fabrice Bony: Folk guitar March 30, 2020 Born in Xixax (Nina Hagen) Samantha Zaccarie: Vocals, radio solo & delirium Fabrice Bony: Electric guitar March 24, 2020 Sacred Geranium (Dick Annegarn) Samantha Zaccarie: Vocals & Watering Fabrice Bony: Folk guitar March 18, 2020

  • CHRONIQUES / REVIEWS | fabricebony

    Chronicles / Reviews Fabrice Bony 7 + ∞ 2018 05/01/2019 BIG BANG MAGAZINE n ° 106 (France) by Henri Vaugrand 01/01/2019 ARLEQUINS (Italy) by Alberto Nucci 11/14/2018 CABEZA DE MOOG (Argentina) by Moebius 8 01/10/2018 PLOUC MAGAZINE n ° 71 (France) by Christian Décamps 01/10/2018 COSMOS MUSIC (France) 08/20/2018 CLAIR & OBSCUR (France) by Frédéric Gerchambeau Fabrice Bony Lithophonic 2016 22/11/2016 CULTURE BOX / FRANCE INFO / FRANCE 3 (radio, Tv) by Jean-François Lixon Fabrice Bony Inner Lands 2013 14/05/2014 PROGRESSOR (webzine) by Olav M Bjornsen (Norway) 03/01/2014 PROGWERELD (webzine) by Dick van der Heijde (Netherlands) 17/10/2013 SEA OF TRANQUILITY (webzine) by Jon Neudorf (Usa) 01/11/2013 BIG BANG MAGAZINE n ° 88 (magazine) (France) 01/10/2013 KOID 9 n ° 86 (magazine) (France) 01/10/2013 ARLEQUINS (webzine) by Giovanni Carta (Italy) 09/01/2013 DPRP (webzine) by Joel Atlas (Netherlands) 08/08/2013 MUSICWAVES (webzine) by Marc M. (France) 07/06/2013 AMAROCKPROG (webzine) by Cyrille Delanlssays (France) Fabrice Bony Between Day 2008 02/06/2010 AMAROCKPROG (webzine) by Cyrille Delanlssays (France) 12/06/2009 PROGRESSOR (webzine) by Olav M Bjornsen (Norway) 03/01/2009 PROGWERELD (webzine) by Maarten Goossensen (Netherlands) 02/01/2009 DPRP (webzine) by Leo Koperdraat (Netherlands) 01/10/2008 ARLEQUINS (webzine) by Jessica Attene (Italy)

  • Interview Fabrice Bony Compositeur Lithophoniste Batteur

    Interview de Fabrice Bony, compositeur batteur et lithophoniste... Haut de page Interviews 2019 May 2019 - Interview for BIG BANG magazine n ° 106 Progressive Music Magazine Interview conducted by Henri Vaugrand Version française Hello Fabrice ! We left you at the end of 2013 (Big Bang n ° 88) after the release of your second album, Inner Lands. Could you tell us what you did between then and the release of your new album, 7 + ∞ ? Hello, After the release of Inner Lands in 2013, I started to work in improvised and experimental music with the Japanese percussionist Tomoo Nagai and my partner Samantha Zaccarie on video projections and photographs. The Franco-Japanese collective Luli was born. Several tours have taken place in Japan, Iceland and France. In 2016, we recorded at the foot of Mt Fuji, the sacred mountain of Japan, the magnificent album In the Middle of No Way . During this same year, I also composed and recorded the Lithophonic album dedicated to lithophones. I will come back to this in the interview. Between 2015 and 2017, I worked on two soundtracks for documentaries Arte Tv Quand Homo Sapiens fait son Cinéma (2015) and France 3 Comme des Sardines en Boite (2017) with the composer Renaud Barbier . Then for the cinema with the soundtrack of the film Corniche Kennedy in 2017 with the composer Béatrice Thiriet. In 2018, I participated in the album of Happy Angel by composing the musical prologue of the title Nancy - Jupiter à la Nage and then the new album 7 + ∞ was released in June 2018. At the moment, I'm shooting with the Beings Deboue projects, the gestural theater company Les Journaliers , the youth show In Search of Pablo for the Compagnie Carré Blanc sur Fond Bleu and finally the atypical music duo Fabrice Bony and Marc Niess . Along with all these artistic activities, I teach drums and guitar in current music in several music schools including the Conservatory of Music and Dance in Rochefort . Your 2016 album, Lithophonic, is something special. Can you tell us a bit about lithophones and what they mean to you ? Lithophonic is a special album because it is devoted to lithophones, in other words the singing stones. The meeting took place in Iceland in 2011 during the Fresh Winds artistic residency with Páll Guðmundsson , a discreet multi-talented artist, sculptor, designer, painter, musician. Back in France and having just moved to Lozère, I went in search of singing stones knowing that I was at the crossroads of limestone, schist, sandstone and granite. What seemed interesting to me was to assemble the sounds, the resonances. It doesn't matter whether the notes are " fair ". I did not use classical tuning. In this album, I played improvised and composed music for lithophones. Another idea was to explore new sound textures by mixing them with current musical instruments and computer tools. The titles Afrolith and Psychedelith are perfect examples. There are also two original arrangements for lithophones of two minimalist pieces by American composer Steve Reich Clapping Music and Music For Pieces of Wood . I admit I was rather proud that he validated these two arrangements. Every time I play the lithophone, the audience and I are taken on a journey through time. We come from there and our DNA has not forgotten it. Very often the public is touched and the impression felt is far beyond words. At the time of the great technological whole, the human and especially the younger generations are in full transformation with the new telephones which are not any more because glued to see literally grafted to the hands. It is important that the younger generations can hear the mineral sounds of the origins again. At the moment, I am imagining an electro-mineral music ... I guess it was largely these scattered activities that delayed the release of this 7 + ∞ initially planned for 2015-2016. Are there any other reasons for this ? Yes, all of these exciting activities made this new album come to fruition in 2018. It doesn't matter, I'm my own producer. I don't have a dead line to respect, I take the time it takes and that's fine. And then comes the day, the night when I know inside that I have reached the end of the project. For 7 + ∞ , I wanted to take a new personal step by managing the mixing myself. It was a hell of a challenge ! I learned a lot in this area with the brilliant sound engineer Jean-Lou Girold, whom I thank. The result is rather convincing it seems to me. We remember having discovered you during the promotional tour of the Angel album, The Tears of the Dalai Lama. Then, the relations with the group of Christian Décamps were a little, let's say, weakened. How was your participation in the title “Nancy - Jupiter À La Nage (Odyssée 14'00)” on the last record of the Belfortains (Happy !, 2018, see Big Bang n ° 102) ? I saw the group on several occasions and in 2017 Christian and Tristan when they came to the Théâtre de la Coupe d'Or in Rochefort. We even played a version of Quasimodo on stage with the lithophones. It was a beautiful and astonishing moment of reunion. After that, Christian told me about Angel's next album. In 2016, I sent him the Lithophonic record, I had no idea that at that time, Christian was writing this magnificent text on the stones What the Stones are whispering . He told me about it. It was therefore naturally obvious that something was going to happen between Ange and my work on the lithophones. Still, one day in my home studio, I made a recording where I superimposed 7 rubbed stones of old types of slate oyster collectors. While mixing them, I started to hear voices coming from the stones. I immediately knew that these sounds would be destined for the next disc of Ange . I contacted Tristan and Christian who were thrilled. I had the joy of discovering that these sounds were used for the Nancy-Jupiter Swimming Prologue. So much for this happy angelic adventure ! We already knew your admiration for Magma and Christian Vander, but it really transpires in your new album, maybe even more than in Inner Lands. If the latter was very progressive with a touch of fusion and some references to this Gentle Giant that you appreciate so much, 7 + ∞ has passages much closer to the zeuhl. What do you think ? Yes Magma and Christian Vander , absolute fan at ∞! The 1st title of the album Tuatha De Danann (The Tribes of the Goddess Dana) evokes the Mythologies of the Far North. The music is influenced by Celtic music but also Magmaian rhythms, especially Rhodes and voices. It is especially in the 1st part of the piece that we can say that it is close to Zeulh music. For the second part of the piece, we are closer to minimalist, jazz, aerial and symphonic music. Toundra is a track in the vein of minimalist music. It is composed with a primitive elven psaltery that I made in Iceland. It produces hallucinating and random sounds. You never know what will come out of it, it allows me to be in the present moment and not in the repetition. Samantha Zaccarie added this shamanic instrument that is the Jew's harp and ethereal voices evoking the great outdoors and large migrating herds. Magic ! Caravan of Whales is an astonishing track of almost 8 minutes of crescendo which with its heavy trance-shaped rhythm evokes a caravan of whales crossing the deserts then covered by the ocean. Two drum parts overlap to evoke this haunting progression with this haunting cello rhythm. We can say that there is also a reference to Magma or rather Offering with Earth . Then the form is that of Coltranian jazz with this dialogue between the saxophone of Satoru Kita and the trumpet of Marc Niess . Ukiyo-e refers to the Japanese Floating World. My relationship with Japan is strong, so I wanted to compose a song in this honor. The title of more than 10 minutes is divided into 2 parts, the 1st being very aerial, focused on the work of the sensitive voices of Samantha Zaccarie and myself in lead vocal and rhodes. While the 2nd part revolves around different themes of piano and strings with dynamic and soaring rhythms at the same time. For this title, I was lucky to have the excellent Japanese saxophonist Satoru Kita . Celtia evokes the Celtic worlds with its harmonized themes of violins, flutes and guitars. The 12/8 ternary rhythm is typical of Celtic music. I love the energy of this music, I listen to it often. I am not far from Brittany. I love this land of raw energy ! I wanted to compose a song with this influence. I was lucky to have the Breton violinist Héléna Boistard and Damien Fadat on Irish flutes. The piece Silex is, as its name suggests, played with flint stones from the Ile d'Oléron, here we are in the most minimal form possible. And we navigate in the very high mineral frequencies. I was pleasantly surprised with the result. I didn't think I could get that kind of sound with stones. Nice discovery ! The title of the album corresponds to the number of titles, the last, as you explain on the booklet, this 8 lying down representing infinity. Can you tell us more specifically about this “Frequency Of Dreams” and these 46 guests who speak different languages? ? For the number 7, there is obviously a reference to the creation of the World in seven days, it is the very essence of this album to evoke the sacred and the spiritual. ∞ corresponds to the title Frequency of Dreams which closes the disc. I composed this track in Iceland during the Fresh Winds artistic residency. 46 international artists were invited, representing nearly 20 different nationalities. The theme of the residency was the Dream. In my mind has come the image of the human connected to the Frequency of Dreams, infinite. I asked everyone to express their feelings about the Dream in their own language. From all these recordings, I composed and edited this musical piece which when listening is like an infinite journey, a film evoking the billions of human beings in the process of dreaming. This title has a very strong emotional power. You had already taken special care in recording and mixing the drums, your major instrument, on Inner Lands. We feel the same concern on this new album. Am I wrong ? As I told you above, for this new album, I decided to manage the complete mixing but also all the sound recordings of all the instruments. Long and exciting process. The recording of the drums was carried out in different places. I do 3 takes per piece most of the time. I play by letting go and I refine as I go. Very little editing at the end of the day. Then I let time pass before listening to it again. It helps me not to lose the thread of creative energy. Likewise, from a compositional point of view, minimalism is still present with its subtle changes and repetitions. Does the lithophonist that you are now accentuate this influence ? Yes he is present throughout the album. I fully assume it. For me, minimalism and the progressive of the 70s are intimately linked. They are great sources of inspiration. These two movements, through their open-mindedness, are natural bridges that bring together and integrate all musical genres. Nowadays, Progressive Rock rhymes more often with Metal Prog than anything else. Personally, I am not hanging on. I prefer the sounds close to the origins. The " repetition " with its subtle changes represents the form of Trance. The music of this new album 7 + ∞ is spiritual. If I'm not mistaken, you moved from the Cévennes to settle on the shores of the Atlantic Ocean, in the Charentes. What has this geographical change modified in the “tellurian” that you are and that we recognize in the title “Tundra” ? The main theme of this album 7 + ∞ is Timeless Nomadism. So I went from the Cévennes Lozérien mountains to the Atlantic Ocean and Charente Maritime. What change ! A real crush for this region was born. I love the horizon of the ocean and the sky. A real pleasure to walk on the wild coast and meet migratory birds in all seasons. And then the discovery of the marshes between Rochefort and Ile d'Oléron, what a marvel of biodiversity ! This environment is very inspiring for my music. Tundra evokes the great spaces linked to the migrations of large herds. My feelings between music and the encounter with Nature are more and more strong year after year. It translates into a creative energy that I feel is pure and natural. Of course, the great maritime expanses are present (“Caravan Of Whales”, “Lament For The Ocean”), even if the caravan could leave from Santana ... The two titles you are talking about highlight the environmental problems caused by humans. Caravan of Whales evokes the image of Whale Caravans quietly crossing the deserts covered by the ocean. The image is captivating but it is also a way of telling people that the ocean could again cover these deserts in the near future with the rising waters due to global warming, the melting of glaciers, air pollution due to human activities. The younger generations seem to be waking up to these problems, so much the better ! Lament for the Ocean is a strong title in the sense that I wanted to evoke ocean pollution by plastic, nuclear power and human economic overactivity. When I see that oyster farmers still use plastic to produce oysters, it really saddens me. And these days, I learn that a ship has just run aground near the Charente coast with a great risk of pollution. In these two cases, humans show their irresponsibility. The ocean, let us remember that whether it is Atlantic, Pacific or Indian is in fact only one and only Ocean. We knew you were an accomplished multi-instrumentalist, but you also turned out to be an excellent vocalist. The voices are also more present than on Inner Lands, as on the very beautiful “Ukiyo-e”, a kind of hybrid cross between Steve Hillage and Ryūichi Sakamoto. A commentary on this voice work ? In this new album 7 + ∞ , I wanted to balance the music and the vocals. Ukiyo-e turned out to be a perfect example. The idea was to start from a simple form, voice and rhodes. I like to sing more and more. In my image of singing, there are no texts but rather sounds and textures. The melodies came quite quickly then with Samantha Zaccarie , we worked together on harmonizations and counterpoints. Again, it took time and maturation. Ukiyo-e is also inspired by the floating worlds and Japanese prints by artist Hokusai, whose remarkable retrospective I saw in Tokyo. As much the 1st part is centered on the voices, the 2nd is centered on the piano, the strings and the rhythms. You're right, I winked at Ryuichi Sakamoto whom I really like. Ukiyo-e is also for all Japanese friends after all. Ah what an amazing country that Japan, I adore ! You have a few guests, in particular Satoru Kita (saxophones, cello) and Marc Niess (trumpet) with whom you also collaborate. Could you tell us a few words about these guests ? In this new album 7 + ∞ , several guests have been invited. First of all, my partner Samantha Zaccarie who played the harp, sung on 5 of the 8 tracks on the album. With her feelings and her particular listening to music, she helped me a lot during the mixing. Samantha largely designed the digifile cover with this gorgeous photo from her Infinite Trace series. She considers herself an artist of Life. Also his photographic work is to be discovered. I was lucky to have the excellent Montpellier flutist Damien Fadat for the titles Tuatha De Danann and Celtia . I had seen him in concert, I had loved his playing and his energy. Satoru Kita has played saxophones and cello on 2 tracks Caravan of Whales and Ukiyo-e . Japanese musician, he lives in Paris. Go listen to him, he is an exceptional musician with an innate sense of graphic design in musical composition. Amazing ! Héléna Boistard came to the Cévennes with her electric violin to record the song Celtia. I have known her for a long time. She is an excellent violinist with great energy. Finally I end with Marc Niess who came in last reinforcement created a part of trumpet and surprising sound textures on Caravan of Whales . The artistic understanding between us is moreover natural so that we formed the duo Fabrice Bony & Marc Niess which starts touring since 2018. I really like this project which mixes genres. It's like a musical synthesis of my entire artistic journey. The Live Concert album is online at the moment. We'll be releasing a studio-recorded mini Ep by May or June. Ladies and gentlemen programmers, this is a project that deserves to be turned. Do not hesitate to contact us. Can we expect to hear 7 + ∞ in concert ? With the duo Fabrice Bony & Marc Niess , we resume Caravan of Whales in concert. But it will be the only title played live. Frequency of Dreams was performed in Iceland. Play 7 + ∞ in concert would require to form a group of 6 musicians at least. This is not planned at the moment. Rather, it will be necessary to listen and see this album as completed paintings. A last word for our readers ? Readers, I greet you. We look forward to seeing you on the road. Continue to support independent artists ! Thank you for this interview and good luck to Big Bang magazine. Hello Fabrice! We left you at the end of 2013 (Big Bang # 88) after the release of your second album, Inner Lands. Could you tell us what you did between that moment and the release of your new album, 7 + ∞? Hello, After the release of Inner Lands in 2013, I started working in improvised and experimental music with Japanese percussionist Tomoo Nagai and my partner Samantha Zaccarie on video and photography projections. The Franco-Japanese collective Luli was born. Several tours have taken place in Japan, Iceland and France. In 2016, we recorded at the foot of Mt. Fuji, the sacred mountain of Japan, the magnificent album In the Middle of No Way . During that same year, I also composed and recorded the album Lithophonic devoted to lithophones. I will come back to it in the interview. Between 2015 and 2017, I worked on two BO for documentaries Arte Tv Quand Homo Sapiens fait son Cinéma (2015) and France 3 Comme des Sardines en Boites (2017) with the composer Renaud Barbier . Then for the cinema with the BB film Corniche Kennedy in 2017 with the composer Béatrice Thiriet . In 2018, I participated in the last Ange CD Happy by composing the musical prologue of the title Nancy - Jupiter at La Nage and then the new album 7 + ∞ was released in June 2018. At the moment, I'm working with the projects of Êtres Deboue, gestural theater company Les Journaliers , the youth show A la Recherche de Pablo for the Compagnie Carré Blanc sur Fond Bleu and finally the atypical music duo Fabrice Bony and Marc Niess . Parallel to all these artistic activities, I teach drums and guitar in current music in several schools of music including the Conservatory of Music and Dance of Rochefort. Your 2016 album, Lithophonic, is something special. Can you tell us a little about the lithophones and what they represent for you? Lithophonic is a special album because it is dedicated to lithophones, in other words singing stones. The meeting took place in Iceland in 2011 during the artistic residency Fresh Winds with Páll Guðmundsson , discreet artist with many talents, sculptor, draftsman, painter, musician. Back in France and just moved to Lozere, I went in search of singing stones knowing that I was at the crossroads of limestone, shale, sandstone and granite. What seemed interesting to me was to assemble the sounds, the resonances. It does not matter if the notes are "right". I did not use classical tuning. In this album, I played improvised and composed music for lithophones. Another idea was to explore new sound textures by mixing them with current musical instruments and tools. The titles Afrolith and Psychedelith are perfect examples. There are also two original minimalist two-piece lithophone arrangements by American composer Steve Reich Clapping Music and Music For Pieces of Wood . I was pretty proud to say that he validates these two arrangements. Whenever I play lithophone, the audience and I are invited to a trip back in time. We come from there and our DNA has not forgotten it. Often the audience is touched and the impression is far beyond words. At the time of the great technological everything, the human and especially the younger generations are changing with the new phones that are no longer glued because see literally grafted hands. It is important that younger generations can hear the original mineral sounds again. At the moment, I'm trying to imagine an electro-mineral music ... I suppose it was largely these sparse activities that delayed the release of this 7 + ∞ originally planned for 2015-2016. Are there other reasons for this? Yes, all these exciting activities have made this new album a success in 2018. It does not matter, I'm my own producer. I have no dead line to respect, I take the time it takes and that's fine. And then comes the day, the night I know internally that I came to the end of the project. For 7 + ∞ , I wanted to take a new personal step by myself managing the mix. It was a big challenge! I learned a lot in this field with the great sound engineer Jean-Lou Girold whom I thank. The result is rather convincing, it seems to me. We remember to have discovered during the promotional tour of the album of Ange, The Tears of the Dalai Lama. Then, the relations with the group of Christian Décamps had a little, say, distended. How was your participation in the title "Nancy - Jupiter À la Nage (Odyssey 14'00)" on the last record of Belfortains (Happy, 2018, see Big Bang No. 102)? I saw on several occasions the group and in 2017 Christian and Tristan during their visit to the Theâtre de la Coupe d'Or in Rochefort. We even played on stage a version of Quasimodo with the lithophones. It was a beautiful and amazing moment of reunion. Following this, Christian had told me about the next album of Ange . In 2016, I sent him the Lithophonic record, I did not suspect that at that time, Christian was writing this beautiful text on the stones Ce Que Murmure les Pierres . He told me that. It was, of course, obvious that something was going to happen between Ange and my work on lithophones. Still, one day in my home studio, I made a recording where I superimposed 7 rubbed stones of old types oyster slate collectors. By mixing them, I started hearing voices coming from the stones. I immediately knew that these sounds would be for the next Ange's CD. I contacted Tristan and Christian who were excited. I had the joy of discovering that these sounds were used for the Nancy-Jupiter Prologue à La Nage . So much for this happy angelic adventure! We already knew your admiration for Magma and Christian Vander, but it really transpires in your new album, maybe even more than in Inner Lands. If the latter was very progressive with a bit of fusion and some references to the Gentle Giant that you like so much, 7 + ∞ has passages much closer to zeuhl. What do you think? Yes Magma and Christian Vander , absolute fan at ∞! The 1st title of the album Tuatha De Danann (The Tribes of the Goddess Dana) evokes the Mythologies of the Great North. The music is influenced by Celtic music as well as by rhythmic Magma , including Rhodes and voices. It is especially in the first part of the piece that we can say that it is close to Zeulh music . For the 2nd part of the piece, we are closer to minimalist, jazz, aerial and symphonic music. Toundra is a title in the vein of minimalist music. It is composed with a primitive Elvish psaltery that I made in Iceland. It produces hallucinating and random sounds. You never know what will come out, it allows me to be in the moment and not in the repetition. Samantha Zaccarie added this shamanic instrument that is the jew's harp and ethereal voices evoking the large spaces and large herds in migration. Magical! Caravan of Whales is an amazing 8-minute crescendo song that with its heavy trance-like rhythm evokes a caravan of whales crossing the deserts then covered by the ocean. Two drum parts are superimposed to evoke this throbbing progression with this obsessive cello rhythm. We can say that there is also reference to Magma or Offering with Earth . Then the form is that of the Coltranian jazz with this dialogue between the saxophone of Satoru Kita and the trumpet of Marc Niess . Ukiyo-e refers to the Japanese floating world. My relationship with Japan is strong, so I wanted to compose a title in this honor. The title of more than 10 minutes is divided into two parts, the first part is very aerial, focused on the work of the sensitive voices of Samantha Zaccarie and myself in vocal lead and rhodes. While the 2nd part revolves around different themes of piano and strings with rhythmic dynamic and planing at the same time. For this title, I was lucky to have the excellent Japanese saxophonist Satoru Kita. Celtia evokes the Celtic worlds with its harmonized themes violins, flutes and guitars. The ternary rhythm in 12/8 is typical of Celtic music. I like the energy of this music, I listen to it often. I'm not far from Brittany. I love this earth with raw energy! I wanted to compose a piece with this influence. I was lucky to have the Breton violinist Héléna Boistard and Damien Fadat at the Irish flutes. The piece Silex is as its name suggests played with flint stones from the Ile d'Oleron, there we are in the most minimal form. And we are sailing in the very high mineral frequencies. I was pleasantly surprised by the result. I did not think I could get this type of sound with stones. Beautiful discovery! The title of the album corresponds to the number of titles, the last, as you explain on the booklet, this 8 lying representing infinity. Can you tell us more specifically about this "Frequency Of Dreams" and these 46 guests who speak different languages? For the number 7, there is obviously reference to the creation of the World in seven days, it is the essence of this album to evoke the sacred and the spiritual. ∞ is the title of Frequency of Dreams that closes the disc. I composed this title in Iceland during the artistic residency Fresh Winds . 46 international artists were invited, almost 20 different nationalities. The theme of the residence was the Dream. In my mind came the image of the human connected to the Frequency of Dreams, infinite. I asked everyone to express their feelings about the Dream in their own language. From all these recordings, I composed and edited this musical piece that is listening as an infinite journey, a film evoking the billions of human beings dreaming. This title has a very strong emotional power. You had already taken a particular care in the recording and the mixing of the drums, your major instrument, on Inner Lands. We feel the same concern on this new album. Am I wrong? As I told you earlier, for this new album, I decided to manage the complete mix but also all sounds taken from all instruments. Long and exciting process. The recording of the drums has been done in different places. I do 3 shots per piece most often. I play letting go and I improve as and when. Very little editing in the end. Then I let some time before listening again. It helps me not to lose the creative energy thread. Similarly, from the point of view of composition, minimalism is still present with its subtle changes and repetitions. Is the lithophonist that you are now accentuating this influence? Yes it is present throughout the album. I take it fully. For me, the Minimalism and the Progressive of the 70s are intimately linked. They are great sources of inspiration. These two movements by their openings of spirit are natural bridges allowing to unite and integrate all the musical genres. Nowadays, Progressive Rock rhymes more often with Metal Prog than anything else. Personally, I don't like that. I prefer sounds close to origins. The "repetition" with its subtle changes represents the form of the Trance. The music of this new album 7 + ∞ is spiritual. If I'm not mistaken, Cevennes you moved to settle on the edge of the Atlantic Ocean in the Charentes. What did this geographical change change in the "tellurian" that you are and which one recognizes well in the title "Tundra"? The great theme of this album 7 + ∞ is Timeless Nomadism . Also I went from the Cevennes Lozère mountains to the Atlantic Ocean and the Charente Maritime. What change! A real crush for this region is born. I like the horizon of the ocean and the sky. A real pleasure to walk on the wild coast and meet migratory birds in any season. And then the discovery of marshes between Rochefort and Ile d'Oleron, what a marvel of biodiversity! This environment is very inspiring for my music. Tundra evokes the great spaces linked to the migrations of large herds. My feelings between music and the encounter with Nature are getting stronger year after year. This translates into a creative energy that I feel pure and natural. Of course, the large maritime expanses are present ("Caravan Of Whales", "Lament For The Ocean"), even if the caravan could leave Santana ... The two titles you mention here highlight the environmental issues caused by humans. Caravan of Whales evokes the image of Whale Caravans quietly crossing the deserts covered by the ocean. The image is captivating but it is also a way of telling people that the ocean could once again cover these deserts in the near future with the rising waters due to global warming, the melting of glaciers, the air pollution caused by human activities. The younger generations seem to be awakening to these problems, so much the better! Lament for the Ocean is a strong title in the sense that I wanted to evoke the oceanic pollution by the plastic, the nuclear and the human economic overactivities. When I see that the oyster farmers are still using plastic to produce oysters, that really annoys me. And these days, I learn that a ship has just failed near the coast of Charente with a high risk of pollution. In both cases, the human shows his irresponsibility. The ocean, remember, whether Atlantic, Pacific or Indian is in fact only one Ocean. We knew you were an accomplished multi-instrumentalist, but you are also an excellent vocalist. The voices are more present than on Inner Lands, as on the beautiful "Ukiyo-e", a sort of hybrid cross between Steve Hillage and Ryuichi Sakamoto. How do we do this work of the voices? In this new album 7 + ∞ , I wanted to balance the music and the voices. Ukiyo-e proved a perfect example. The idea was to start from a simple form, voice and rhodes. I like to sing more and more. In my image of singing, there are no texts but rather sounds and textures. The melodies came quite fast then with Samantha Zaccarie , we worked together on harmonizations and counterpoints. Again, it took time and ripening. Ukiyo-e is also inspired by floating worlds and Japanese prints by artist Hokusai , whose remarkable retrospective I saw in Tokyo. As much the 1st part is centered on the voices, the 2nd is centered on the piano, the strings and the rhythmics. You're right, I winked at Ryuichi Sakamoto that I really like. Ukiyo-e is also aimed at all Japanese friends (at the end of the day). Oh what an amazing country that Japan, I love! You have some guests, especially Satoru Kita (saxophones, cello) and Marc Niess (trumpet) with whom you collaborate elsewhere. Can you tell us a few words about these guests? In this new album 7 + ∞ , several guests have been invited. First, my partner Samantha Zaccarie who played the jew's harp, sung on 5 of the 8 tracks of the album. With her feelings and her particular listening of the music, she helped me a lot during the mixing. Samantha designed a large part of the digifile sleeve with this beautiful photo from her Infinite Trace series. She considers herself an artist of life. Also his photographic work is to discover. I was lucky to have the excellent flutist from Montpellier Damien Fadat for the titles Tuatha De Danann and Celtia . I had seen him in concert, I loved his game and his energy. Satoru Kita played saxophones and cello on 2 tracks Caravan of Whales and Ukiyo-e . Japanese musician, he lives in Paris. Go listen to him, he is an exceptional musician with an innate sense of graphic design in musical composition. Amazing! Héléna Boistard came to the Cévennes with her electric violin to record the track Celtia . I have known her for a long time. She is an excellent violinist with a good energy. Finally I finish with Marc Niess who came last reinforcement created a trumpet part and amazing sound textures on Caravan of Whales . The artistic agreement between us is so natural that we have formed the duo Fabrice Bony & Marc Niess , which has been shooting since 2018. I love this project that mixes genres. It's like a musical synthesis of all my artistic career. A live album Live Concert is online at the moment. We will release a mini EP recorded in studio by May or June. Ladies and Gentlemen programmers, this is a project that deserves to turn. Do not hesitate to contact us. Can we expect to hear 7 + ∞ in concert? With the duo Fabrice Bony & Marc Niess , we play Caravan of Whales in concert. But this will be the only title played live. Frequency of Dreams was played in Iceland. To play 7 + ∞ in concert would require to constitute a group of 6 musicians at least. This is not planned for now. It will rather listen and see this album as successful paintings. A last word for our readers? Readers, I salute you. Looking forward to seeing you on the road. Continue to support independent artists! Thank you for this interview and good luck to Big Bang magazine. 2017 01/20/2017 Interview Fabrice Bony in the program SCENE OUVERTE . HELENE FM radio. 2016 11/18/2016 Interview Fabrice Bony at FRANCE 3 Poitou-Charentes. 20/10/2016 Interview Fabrice Bony at Demoiselles FM. 2013 November 2013 Interview for BIG BANG magazine n ° 88 by Olivier Pelletant. 1) Most prog fans who know you discovered you in 1993, when you joined Ange for the promotional tour of the album "Les Larmes Du Dalaï-Lama". Is this experience still a good memory today? Overall this experience with Ange remains very positive in my mind. She taught me so much, both professionally and emotionally. At the age of 22, it was great to experience that. I didn't ask for so much and at the same time, I had worked like a madman so that this possible could present itself and exist. It took place. The Olympia and many other concerts were magical ! I will of course never forget this whole adventure. And I can't thank Daniel Haas enough for coming up with the idea of giving me the audition. Subsequently in 1995, it was decided without even telling me and notifying me while I was the drummer of Ange to do a Farewell tour with the original group. I found this decision and the process heartbreaking and disappointing, especially since the 1995 Jelsch that I saw at that time. on some concerts of the tour, was no longer as efficient as that of the 70s. It was hard to take the hit of the disposable drummer… who saved the 1993 tour as they say. But hey, I recovered well. In 2002, Christian Décamps called me back to offer me the place of drummer. At first I was enthusiastic about this idea but after the interview, I decided to refuse because on the one hand the music had changed and I could not find the magic of 1993. Today, I still have one eye and one ear attentive to what is happening on the Angel's side. I enjoyed their last album. I went to see them in concert sometimes. We had some discussions with Christian and the other musicians. Besides, Christian has just reviewed the album in the fan club magazine. I thank him warmly. Here is the page Angel as a musician is beautiful and well turned. Direction the present! 2) To be honest, you have somewhat disappeared from progressive radars since that time, but I know that you have nevertheless remained very active in the musical world. Can you tell us in a few words what you have done during these 20 long years ... Yes indeed the progressive radars have not had to flash me over the past 20 years because when I was not in the studio serving artists of any musical genre whether for records or for television, I was on the roads of Blues, Rock, Jazz-Rock, French song without forgetting of course the disturbing experience of 6 months of work with Nino Ferrer on an album which will not see the light of day following his suicide at a week of leaving for the Studio du Manoir to make these months of work a reality… Since 2008, I have slowed down the concerts to devote myself fully to composition and teaching. More recently, I created this minimalist music live solo project called " Ephemeral Spirals ". For the details of my journey, I invite the curious to visit my site. You will know everything, I promise ! 3) This new album is the second of your solo career, and initially appears much more progressive than its predecessor. Did you have the will to create more ambitious music for Inner Lands, or was it the paths of inspiration that led you "in spite of yourself" on this path? The paths of inspiration resonate with what we experience in relation to our inner world which is itself influenced and in interaction with the outer world. I felt a strong inner fire within me, a lot of energy, something new was happening. It was clear that my master instrument namely the drums would have a very important role to play in this album. I had the feeling of letting go of the horses for any instrument and it was a very natural feeling to express it that way. So from the angle of view, the point of view of Inner Lands is that it is an ambitious album. 4) Inner Lands is doubly progressive. Not only because it demonstrates the most advanced formal sophistication, but also because it is not satisfied to decline a predefined music throughout its speech. If the atmospheric and cinematic dimension of your music is beyond doubt, we feel very regularly a flowering of more ambitious elements (fusion, I would be tempted to say). A bit like Pat Metheny sometimes did. Do you agree with this description? Yes I totally agree. The reference to Pat Metheny does not speak to me too much but I prefer to refer to a group like Gentle Giant which I adore. They are exceptional musicians with impressive musical daring. Most of the musicians in this group are multi-instrumentalists which we have in common, so many colors can be created. In general, and we can hear it in many groups and artists of the genre, expressing themselves in the field of progressive and even in minimalism lead to infinite dimensions and musical experiments. 5) What is wonderful in your music is its rhythmic base which allows it all the harmonic daring. Are you aware that your talents as a drummer are one of the main causes of the success of this album? I quickly knew that my master instrument, namely the drums, would have a very important role, even essential to this album. As I said above, a powerful inner energy was asking me to express this : the Battery is the energy of the Earth. And to achieve this, I wanted to be able to have time to polish all the drums parts, so I decided not to go to the studio but to invest in good microphones and a good sound card and then take the sound recordings. the House. Then I went to mix it all with a real sound magician I named Jean-Lou Girold from the ATL-REC studio located in the Vosges. The combination of home studio and mix with a real pro in a pro studio worked perfectly. It was a risk-taking but I had confidence. 6) I mentioned Pat Métheny above, but your music also evokes other artists like Jean-Luc Ponty, Magma (especially on "Weird"), Neal Schon, Bill Bruford, Pink Floyd, Eloy, and others Allan Holdsworth . However, Mike Oldfield (the one from the 70s of course) seems to me to be the artist with whom you have the most 'theoretical' connections. Not so much in the style practiced as in the desire to make coherent elements which are a priori dissimilar. Is it founded or am I completely missing the point? It is clear that many influences are found in this album and this is what makes its rhythmic, harmonic and cosmic richness ... All the artists you mention speak to me more or less so I reassure you, you are not next to the plate but well above… ah ah. 7) Logic now prompts me to ask you what are your most intimate musical tastes ... Ah My musical tastes .... There are many !!! Magma, of course ! How lucky are we in France to have such a group and Christian Vander is simply amazing. Total respect ! After of course the English prog of the seventies like Genesis, Yes, King Crimson, Gentle Giant, Jethro Tull still touches me enormously. Swedish prog is also very interesting with groups like Anekdoten, Paatos. American prog affects me less, Kansas yes. On the other hand, the advent of Metal Prog at the Dream Theater & Co, leaves me unmoved, I find it cold. The sound is generally too compressed, too clean, too bright, the worst is the drum sounds so compressed that they look like drum machines… Of course the technique is monstrous to see superhuman but if the music is just a extremely complex contest… no thanks. Besides, while promoting the album, I realized that a lot of journalists and columnists take all these Metal Prog groups as references to determine what progressive music is. I think they are wrong. Also, a few years ago I discovered minimalist music through Steve Reich, John Adams, Philip Glass and Terry Riley. It's a great movement that I highly recommend listening to. There it is about subtle rhythmic variations of harmonic movements often quite simple which seem repetitive but which are not it, we are close to the trance. Exciting for the rhythm player that I am. 8) Apart from a few vocalizations (or Indian songs on "Native Land"), Inner Lands is totally instrumental. Does this mean that your music (deep and intense, which leaves the listener's imagination wandering) cannot support a song, therefore necessarily more direct and expressive lyrics? Initially, the album was to have no vocals. They came pretty close to the end of the creative process. I thought that the vocal element could be interesting to exploit on certain passages ; It is certain that it is by dint of listening to Magma that I wanted to try. It was interesting and I think in the future the voice will be even more present. So in my idea, the voice would be used more as an instrument rather than in terms of texts. I find that it takes you as far as the beautiful texts. I will rather go in the sense of voice-instrument. The 1st album " Between day Did not include a voice. I remind you that this album is about my Near Death Experience (NDE) experienced a few years ago. It was a personal event and at the same time universal because it was experienced by many other people. It was an experience beyond words, which I translated into music, the voice had no place there. 9) Your acknowledgments contained in the booklet are quite surprising, because not only intended for people. It appears that "Nature" is a central element in your life as a man and as an artist. To what extent are animals and the plant world sources of inspiration for you? Many changes in my life have taken place in recent years, I feel like I have gone through the particle accelerator of Consciousness. These thanks are special because living in a most natural environment in the middle of the Cévennes National Park which is a land of resistance, relatively preserved from human heresy which consists in destroying everything for pure financial or speculative interest. It is this Nature so beautiful that I observe every day that gives me all this energy, this desire to move forward. I am fortunate enough to be able to observe this Nature that gives us so much. If you take the time to observe cows, sheep, goats, chickens, cats, bees, earthworms, you will be touched by their beings. If your heart is open and available, you will understand. Of course for city dwellers, it is more complicated but humans must reconnect to Earth otherwise they will perish. The title " Isle of Shadows Was composed just after Fukushima. It is a tribute to the Japanese people who are going through something terrible. The problem is also that on the other side of the planet, we think that all this is far away ... terrible mistake to think so because we will suffer the same consequences in the medium term. Nature gives us warning signals, she is generous. But humans are unable to see them, they are otherwise unable to regulate themselves or even reduce their energy consumption. The piano plays a slightly dissonant note reflecting the fact that this world is wobbly and is probably going to its destruction. The radioactive cries at the end express that anger that so many people are starting to feel as many realize that this can't go on. I will end with an optimistic note. My last thanks are for the divine curves. Ah Men that we are… what would we be without the feminine element, Women. It is high time that they regain control ... 10) I also saw that you were sometimes part of "artistic residencies". Can you tell us more about this kind of activity that I know very little about, I must admit ... In 2010 I was invited to an artist residency in Iceland to share my musician medium with musicians, sculptors, painters, photographers, videographers, writers, dancers, for 2 months. It was fantastic. The principle is to create works on site during the event. For example, I discovered a brilliant instrument called Lithophone, (stone vibraphone.) Since then I have experimented and developed it with local stones. This instrument will probably be part of the next album. This residency allowed me to create a psaltery-type instrument with a primitive character which will also be on the next album ... More recently in our beautiful region of Lozère, another residency took place and it was other occasional meetings and collaborations with Japanese musicians. In October 2014, I will also be in residence in Japan. 11) Your projects ? I plan to start again quietly on the conception of a new album. I already know that it will be placed under the sign of travel, that will be the main theme. Maybe for 2014 or 2015, we'll see… There will still be a lot of energy. And then the Franco-Japanese collective Luli that we have set up will develop from time to time. I do not also forget my live project " Ephemeral Spirals »With which I wish to imagine collaborations in duo or trio. No time to be bored as who would say. There you go, thank you and good luck to the magazine. 2008 October 2008 Interview for CULTCRUSHER, Counterculture ezine . Fabrice Bony, the music removed. by johnellman, Thursday October 9th, 2008 at 08:48 PM | ITW MUSIC | # 180 | rss A little calm in this world, that's what I would like to say when I listen to the music of Fabrice Bony. Rather, film music. No, not a poem. I found ... it is a love story that he reveals to us, a love story with music. He is I think a kind of John Barry who would have stopped for a drink at the Pink Floyd ... A great professional in any case that the record market does not frighten. Can you introduce yourself and how was your music born? Fabrice Bony 37 years old, professional drummer, I have been living in Paris for a year. My music was born 5 years ago. I decided to sit down and take a step back from what I had composed years before. I already had the idea for the concept album. But what a story to tell ? Finally the answer was obvious, indeed there had happened to me a strange experience where I had passed from life to death to Life. I wanted to put this story to music but without words because this experience was without words, I just wanted to translate my states, my emotions. Telling this experience meant telling a journey, inside but also outside. So I started from my birth (01 - Birth) my thread of life (02 - Thread of Life) with all its ardor and carelessness until this rupture (03 - Trauma and Coma), an experience that I recount as and as the album progressed ... I could only relate this experience alone, which is why I decided to do everything myself in my home studio except for the recording of the drums which were made at the Fallone studio (Dijon) with Arnaud Morize on sound. Mixing and mastering was also done there. There I did not have the skills required for that. (Laughs) How do you proceed when composing songs ? Each song has its own creative process, I don't have a recipe, I'm not just a drummer, I also play guitar and modestly piano so sometimes it comes from the drums, with a groove, a particular rhythm, other times it comes from the guitar, for others it is the piano. Or it can come from a particular sound which will have a harmonic resonance such that I will hear inside a rhythm, a melody, a series of chords. But I must confess that I have a soft spot for the Mellotron. This instrument fascinates and inspires me a lot. If you had to choose one of your tracks as being the most representative, which one would you choose and why? Without hesitation 'Fours birds as witnesses', I like its progression, its contrasts, the amplitude that it takes the more you advance in it and then I like this poetic title. These 4 witness birds who observe this man (who I remind him is in a coma in full introspection) will light his way before the great departure ..... I like this idea that Nature observes Man and that she illuminates it according to its behavior (global warming for example). If Man does not take this into account, Nature risks sending him to be seen elsewhere. What does your journey look like? I started playing drums at the age of 6. In 1990, I followed the professional course of the 'Center Musical et Créatif de Nancy' (CMCN) and obtained my diploma with 'Special mention unanimously with the congratulations of the Jury'. Then I worked with ANGE, famous French progressive rock group, on the tour 'Les larmes du Dalaï-Lama' in 1993. I will do my 1st Olympia with them at the age of 22. It was a wonderful adventure. Then I worked a lot in the middle of the Blues and the French song, recorded many discs and the tours that follow one another. And then a 6-month experience alongside NINO FERRER interrupted following his suicide. Since 2005, I have been touring and recording with the Dijon pianist-singer DOROTHEE DANIEL. Two albums have been released : 'the company of angels' (2005) and 'at the top of the poplars' (2007). I worked as a drummer with the film music composer Renaud BARBIER (the snake) for a TV series called " Hospital "(2007) Signatures on labels? No I am not signed and that suits me very well. On the other hand, I am distributed by MUSEA in France and abroad. How do you organize your promotion? I am only at the beginning of this adventure and as it is not the people who are going to pick you up, I spend a lot of time on myspace, sending out invitations to people from all over the world because my project is universal. I consider this process to be a work in its own right that any independent artist must do if he wants to exist. I send my CD to specialized French and foreign magazines. I wish to remain independent. At present, it is better to be only distributed but to sign a contract with a record company, no thanks. Your influences ? Progressive rock from the seventies, ambient, electro, funk from the seventies and then minimalist music. 3 great musicians that you respect? 1 - Drummer Bill Bruford (Yes, King Crimson, UK ...), 2 - minimalist composer John Adams 3 - The great composer and pianist Sergei Rachmaninoff Plans for the future? I am in the process of recruiting musicians because I would like this project to live and develop on stage. And then, I start to work on a new album but this time I collaborate with a singer from India and it's very exciting to mix our respective cultures. To be continued....

© 2020 by Fabrice Bony

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